Chapter 11- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

They head off in a different direction laughing loudly and bumping shoulders. I continue to walk down the halls towards the nearest exit.

When I get into the owlery there's another person inside. "Oh. I – I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt." The boy wipes his face against his sleeve and I can tell that he's been crying.

"Nah don't worry. Not your fault." He says, making eye contact with me. His name is Todd Martin, a Gryffindor student. I don't think I've ever had a real conversation with him before.

"Are you alright?" I ask. I do my best not to sound like I'm demanding an answer from him. I step into the room a bit more and our owl Aurora hops over to me.

Todd laughs and sniffs his nose, "You probably think I'm mad. It's the first day of school and I'm already in tears writing home."

I tie my letter to Aurora's leg, "I really can't judge given that I'm doing the same thing." I put a bit of humor into my words. It works cause he laughs again.

"What are you writing about?" He asks casually.

"My estranged Grandmother that died before I was even born." I say. I kiss Aurora on the top of her head and send her out the window. I turn to face Todd, "You?"

"My Grandmother that's just about to die."

We look at each other for a minute, what do you even say in these sorts of situations? 'wow dude sorry your granny's almost dead.' Doesn't seem to cut it.

"I better get going." He says at last. "It's... Cassiopeia right?"

I nod, "Yeah, Cassiopeia Weasley." I stick my hand out and he shakes it a few times.

"I'll see you around then."

I watch Todd leave and walk down the stairs and out into the field. Then I look back around at all the other owls sitting around. I sigh and pick my bag up off the ground before walking down the stairs. For the first time all day I pull my phone out of my bag and turn it on. Seventeen messages from Ophelia, twenty two messages from Scorpius, eight from Darcy.

I know what you're thinking. You have a phone, why can't you just text your mum or call her when you have a spare second. The thing is, no matter how much muggle technology we use now, mum and dad still want us to use the standard owl post and other wizarding things so we don't loose touch with who we are. Cause apparently that happened when mum went to live in muggle London long before we were born.

I read through all of the 'where are you?' and the 'class is about to start' messages as I walk back into the castle. I think this is the first time I've ever skipped a class. Like actually skipped a class. The only other time I missed a class was when I was so sick I was sent to the hospital wing for a weekend and mum, dad, Theo, Annie, and the rest of the family pretty much came to see me.

I walk slowly back into the castle, it's raining so I've got my umbrella above me, just listening to the droplets hit the plastic. The smell of rain always calms me down no matter what, when I was a kid I was terrified of storms, we all were actually. Till one night, when Freddie was leaving for his first year at Hogwarts. We were all cuddled up in mum and dads bed at like two in the morning, but even then none of us could sleep through the thunder and lightning that was shaking the sky above us. Mum and dad wrapped us in blankets and dragged us up onto the roof, which wasn't smart at all given that there was lightning but whatever. We sat underneath the little gazebo that dad built for mum a long time ago and watched the lightning and listened to the rolling thunder. We stayed there till we all were asleep according to mum. Ever since that day, if there is a storm at night, especially when we are at Hogwarts. Leah, Freddie, and I sneak out of our common rooms and go outside and sit on the front steps of Hogwarts and watch the storm.

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