"It's what the human internet says, but it can be based on other kinds of love like family and close friends."

"...okay. What are you supposed to do?"

"Love. Gifts."

"Gifts? Gifts of what kind?"

He sighed. "Anything that shows you care for the person you love. This holiday is also a day to reveal to a certain person you like by gifting them sweets and other well thought out gifts."

"So I give you chocolates?"

He scoffed. "Well if ya want me dead. But I do accept Energon treats and kisses though."

I refrained from facepalming and straightened in the seat. "Of course, Jazz."

"Ah love ya!"

My morning went along as they should.

The warm greetings, the same loud cafeteria and hallways, and the same rowdy human kids.

The usual.

Schoolwork was the same. The creativity of our work in art class was high. Same old boring math problems


I expected my school day to go by like any other day.

Surprisingly, there wasn't any Ma'Kenzie bothering me or Mr. I-don't-understand personal-space Chris. Or any other bothersome human creatures.

Thank Primus.

Can you believe I was actually able to sit with my best friend without being attacked? Physically or verbally?

We actually were able to have a nice talk without the word "nerd" being thrown around or tight arms squeezing me to death.

I learned that she is ambitious and wants to achieve great things in life. Of course, I couldn't say anything about me because I have little knowledge of this planet anyway.

So I left her in the dark about my expectations for the future. Not like I'm gonna say "Man I sure hope an alien war will end soon, so I can spend more time with my crazy family."

I'm not stupid.

Are you sure about that?

After lunch and recess, we returned to our evening classes and the teacher was actually nice enough to hand out little chocolate treats and candies to everyone. She also cut some of our work and allowed us to have a little free time to ourselves and talk quietly with each other because it's a special holiday today.


I purposefully avoided any conversation or human interaction and asked to go to the restroom to get away and also relieve myself, but mostly get away for a minute.

Listen to this.

When I came back, I did not expect my desk to be covered with letters and cards piled up along with heart-shaped boxes and gray paper covering what seemed to be an Earth rose.

For living with some cautious bots, I actually thought they were some kind of hidden bombs, but quickly pushed the thought aside when I realized no human child can even obtain such dangerous weaponry.

One thing I did notice though was I got many looks of all sorts. Mostly from the girls.

Some held jealousy as their gaze stuck to the desk and others seemed embarrassed as they fiddled with the one or two cards laying on their desks.

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