Chapter 7- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

"Literally zero people said your name." I snap at him.

James sighs and flops onto his bed, "Hannah was saying my name a couple nights ago." He props himself up and looks at me, "Well, saying isn't the right word for it. It was more of a moan."

Louis coughs to cover up his laugh and I shoot him a look. "Did you show her your teddy bear collection when she was in your room?" I say to James.

His smile falters a little, Timothy loses his mind and Louis shakes his head and smiles. James doesn't say anything he just pulls off his shirt and changes into his pyjamas and pulls the curtains around his bed closed.

Louis looks at me and its like I can read his mind, 'I think you've gone too far.' I shrug and change into my pyjamas as well. James is a big boy he can handle being made fun of a bit. Besides he's the one that started it.

The next day Louis wakes me up with a pillow to the face, "We're going to be late." He says. I groan and roll out of bed and put my uniform on half assed. Black skinny jeans instead of the standard dress pants, my white shirt full of wrinkles and half buttoned up. I don't bother fixing my collar or tying up my tie so I just drape it over my shoulders.

"What do we even have this morning?" I yawn, reaching for my robes that are hanging up on the end of my four poster bed.

Louis, Timothy, and Kevin all look at me, James thankfully is already gone into the common room, "You're being dumb right?" Timothy says to me.

"He's not being dumb, he just is dumb." Kevin says. He pushes past me and heads out of the common room. I dunno what I did to that guy but he's never liked me.

"We've got double dad class." Louis says, "And its eight fifteen right now and breakfast will only be on the tables for another fifteen minutes." He snatches his backpack off the end of his bed and tosses it over one shoulder, "And I'm fucking hungry."

I watch him as he looks at himself in the mirror one last time and pulls on the ends of his now green hair before heading out of the room. I grab a hold of my skateboard and swing my backpack over my shoulders before chasing him down the stairs.

As soon as I'm on the ground floor I hop onto my board, this castle is absolutely massive and you really expect me to walk from one place to another? Please.

"Hey Freddie." A group of Ravenclaw girls sing as I pass them, I give them an awkward wave and they erupt into a fit of giggles.

"Hey Freddie." I look to my left and my uncle has appeared beside me, making fun of the girls, "Oh Freddie you're so cool on that muggle board thing! Oh you're so badass!" He sings.

I laugh and roll my head a bit, "Morning to you too." I say casually.

I turn the corner and glide into the main entrance of the castle. Cass and Leah are walking out of the dungeons together. Leah's got three boys listening to whatever story she's telling, they're hanging onto her every word. If I didn't know that she was into girls I would have told them to step off my little sister. Cass looks awkward though, like she always does beside Ophelia.

I hop off my board and kick it up so I can hold onto it, "First night go okay you two?" I say to my sisters.

Ophelia who's still telling her wild story about something that totally didn't happen, waves me off as she and her friends walk into the great hall. I look at Cass and it's like she's shrunk since yesterday. The Weasleys are all fairly tall except for a few of us. Those few are my nan, Victoire, Molly, and Cassiopeia.

"You're going to get in shit riding that thing through the halls." She says softly.

"You alright?" I ignore her concern for my detention record. That thing was shot by the first week of my first year.

Cassie shrugs, "Tired I guess? Dunno, not really feeling this whole school thing."

We start to walk into the great hall and I swing my arm around her shoulders, "Now I really know somethings up."

Cass pulls away from me and starts to head over to the Slytherin table, she looks over her shoulder at me, "You've got dried drool all over your face by the way." She says loudly, causing a few people to look over at me.

I swipe my face on the sleeve of my robe and grumble, 'fucking hell' under my breath before going to sit with Lou and Amar.

"McGonny's gotta fire a few of those house-elves, this porridge is rank." Amar says. He sticks his spoon in his bowl for emphasis.

"McGonny?" Louis asks with a smirk, his French accent comes through a bit when he says it.

"You fucking heard me."

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