Chapter 5- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

"What thing?" I say back to him. I try to will my cheeks not to get red. The idea that Darcy notices little things that I do makes my heart warm.

"The thing you do when you're thinking really hard. You go a bit cross-eyed and chew on your bottom lip. What are you thinking of?" He says it so casually like it doesn't matter that he takes so much interest in my little quirks.

"Just trying to figure out what to tell Uncle Fred for his yearly family update. I know he gets them from all of us but perspective matters sometimes."

Darcy's eyes go dark. He doesn't really like my uncle Fred all that much. He was his mum's first love... only love I think actually. He blames uncle Fred for his parent's divorce in some weird twisted way which doesn't make sense to me at all but I don't want to pry and make him hate me.

"Anything from the trolly dears?" The old trolly witch says from the corridor.

Ophelia shoves her hand into her pockets and pulls out the coin purse that mum and dad gave her when she started at Hogwarts. Mum and Dad gave us each one, all different but they have the undetectable enlargement charm on them or something so we can hold anything and everything in them if we wanted. Anyways, she pulls out a galleon and stands up, pushing past the mess of legs and bags and candy wrappers in our compartment.

"We're good on candy love but if I give you this galleon could you drop this into a compartment not too far down the hall?" She doesn't give the woman time to answer she just plops the galleon and a small purple cat figurine onto the cart. I sigh deeply. The purple figurine is one of my Dad's things, a Penelope's Purple Pussy Cat. Once you drop it onto the floor it turns into a life-sized Purple Cat for about thirty seconds and then explodes into purple dust that is nearly impossible to get off your clothes.

"It's the compartment with a tall black-haired boy. No doubt has a few girls in there with him." Ophelia explains, "And tell him it's a gift from Freddie. He'll understand."

The woman looks at the galleon and the small cat that is on her cart and shrugs. I figure that woman has seen it all so she doesn't bother to ask any questions before she starts walking down the corridor again.

"Mum and Aunt Ginny have been trying to get those two to get along for years and you're going to send a prank to James' compartment with Fred's name on it?" I say looking at Leah.

She winks at me and smirks at me the same way Dad does when he does something that he knows is going to annoy mum, "Oh come on it was just a harmless Pussy Cat." She puts the emphasis on the word 'pussy' which makes Rose and Albus laugh, "You know how he is. I'm sure he's used to having p-"

I cover my ears but I can read Leah's lips, 'pussy explode all over him.' Which makes everyone roar with laughter, even Darcy laughs. I take my hands off my ears and Scorpius looks at us all, "Why the name Penelope though?"

"Well, my young, naive boy." Ophelia starts which causes Scorpius to say, 'I'm literally a year older than you!' "Uncle Percy had a girlfriend before he met aunt Audrey... oh wipe the shock off your face Darcy... anyways she was a right brat according to Dad, nasty temper, always wanted things neat and tidy, suppose that's why she hooked up with uncle Percy of all people..."

"Can we not talk about uncle Percy hooking up with people please and thanks," Albus says which makes me smile.

Ophelia rolls her eyes, "You're just jealous that uncle Percy of all people has gotten more than you." Albus groans and covers his face with his hands, "Anyways..." Leah continues, "She was a brat and Dad and uncle Fred hated her along with mum and Dad thought it would be a great idea to create a really messy joke product after her."

Darcy looks at me like he's expecting me to vouch for Leah's story so I nod a couple of times, "Dad's pretty petty like that." I say quietly.

Ophelia looks at me and I swear if looks could kill I'd be a pile of ash on the ground right now, "Dad's pretty genius like that." She snaps back at me.

We glare at each other for a minute. Here's the thing. I love my Dad with everything in my being but sometimes I wish that he acted like a grown-up, sort of like mum does. She's playful and funny but she knows how to be serious, and for the past twelve years of my life, I haven't seen my Dad be serious. Ophelia doesn't have a problem with that at all, neither does Freddie or Theo I think which is fine and everything but I dunno, Ophelia looks up to Dad like he's a god or something.

There's a loud bang and a shout from down the train car and we all know that Ophelia's plan is now in full effect. She looks at me with a look that says, 'you've got anything else to say?' but I keep quiet, it's not worth fighting her on things like that. Darcy changes the song that we are listening to, Zombies by the Cranberries also known as my favourite song that's ever been recorded, probably to keep me from starting a fight with my sister.

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