Chapter 4- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

"Mum's going to have your neck," Cassie says as she takes a bit of tissue and wets it under the tap.

"Right because giving someone antlers is exactly the kind of behaviour that Mum wants to hear about," I say with a light laugh.

Cass stops blotting away the blood and looks at me, "Who's the one bleeding right now? You or me?"

"Me," I grumble

She clicks her tongue, "Exactly." She finishes cleaning the cut and pulls a couple of small bandages out of her pocket. If you can't tell, this happens a lot and Cass always manages to be prepared.

"You have to admit though, you felt pretty powerful just then," I say when she's done with my face. I stand up and look down at her. For fifteen I'm pretty tall, but everyone in my family is massive so what did you expect really.

"It was pretty dope." She says with a small smile on her face. We leave the bathroom and she goes off back to her compartment which is only like two away from mine and Lou's.

"Hey, Weasley!" A voice. A girl's voice calls from behind me.

I turn around and look at her. Hannah Torres from Gryffindor is standing there. She's so beautiful. She's got long brown hair, olive skin, dark brown eyes, and the perfect lip shape.

"Hey... Torres right?" I say trying my best to sound aloof like I haven't been staring at her for the past two years of my life.

She smiles and looks down at her feet for a second, "Yeah Torres. I uh, heard what you did to Harlan." She says awkwardly.

I have trouble coming up with something to say, "All in a day's work I guess." Are you kidding me? That's the best you can do? Merlin's beard I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from myself. Is that even possible?

Hannah laughs which surprises me, "It was pretty badass." She says, the smile never leaving her face, "Dumb. But badass."

I can feel my face heat up and I hope to Godric himself that I'm not blushing. The compartment door beside us gets pulled open, James sticks out his head, "In here Han." He says coldly. He looks at me and scowls which makes my blood boil all over again.

"I'll uh, see you in the common room, Weasley." She says with a smile, and I could have sworn I saw her wink before she walks into James' compartment.

James looks at me one more time before closing the door. I hate that kid, but right now all I can think of is Hannah fucking Torres. Badass. She called me badass.

I go back into the compartment that Louis is sitting in with our friend Amar from Ravenclaw. "What's that look for?" Amar says looking at me as I sit down.

I look at him and do my best not to smile, "I don't have a look."

"You've got a look," Louis says in agreement. I roll my eyes and look out the window hoping that they drop it. Thankfully neither of them can focus on one thing for too long because soon the two of them are talking about some muggle card game that Amar has brought with him called 'Cards Against Humanity' or something random like that.

I stare at my reflection in the window and try to keep a straight face but I can't do it. All I can think about is Hannah, what it would be like to touch her skin, hold her hand, be the reason she laughs... Ew god, I'm grossing myself out. Think about something else, anything else.

Quidditch, the first quidditch game of the season.

Hannah in the stands cheering my name as I score the winning goal. She jumps into my arms after the game and kisses me...

Fuck stop it! Alright, come on. Something else.

Professor Binns. History class. Boring, old Binns and his long ass lectures.

Hannah sneaking me notes in class about what she wants to do with me during our break period. Holding hands under our desks so no one else can see....

Are you fucking kidding me? Alright, let's try again. Clear your head, it's fine everything's fine.

Studying in the dorm room. Quiet, stressful, your OWL exams are coming up and you can't be the one who gets the lowest in the year.

Hannah comes in, runs her hand over my shoulders and whispers in my ear about something other than studying. She smells like vanilla perfume and freshly struck matches...

"Dude!" Louis shouts snapping me out of my trance.

I blink a couple of times and look over at him, "Huh? What?"

Amar laughs, "you're in deep fam."

"What are you even talking about? I'm not in anything!" I snap back at him which only makes Lou and Amar laugh harder.

"I've known you my whole life dude. You're thinking about a girl. He's got his, 'oh look pretty girl' zombie face going on." Lou says.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah whatever. Did you just interrupt my nap because you wanted to roast the shit out of me or what?"

"You nap with your eyes open all of a sudden?" Amar asks with his eyebrows raised. I shove him with my foot and he pretends to be hurt.

"I'm gonna need you to dye my hair before we get to Hogwarts. I can't show up looking like this." He runs his fingers through his hair and tugs on the ends a little.

"What? Blond?" I ask him.

"I don't want to look like Vic. Every time someone sees me blond they just call me the male Victoire and expect me to be just as good as she is," Lou says grumpily.

"You're sister's so hot," Amar says. Louis shoves him and he knocks into the compartment door with a thud.

"I've got a reputation to uphold!" Lou says matter of factly.

"Dude you threw yourself out of a third-floor window because you didn't want to write a test during first year. You don't have a reputation." I say which makes Amar laugh really hard.

Louis rolls his eyes, "I have a reputation!" He insists.

"As the village idiot?"

Amar laughs again but Louis cracks a smile.

"Exactly, now are you going to help me achieve that look or are you going to go back to daydreaming about some chick?" Louis says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh fuck off," I say with a smile.

"Imagine if aunt Vi heard you talk like that," Louis says.

I kick him a little harder than I kicked Amar and he erupts into laughter. I love the kid but his laugh sounds like a dying hippogriff.

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