Chapter 2- Cassiopeia's POV

Comenzar desde el principio

"You and Albus have anything big planned for this year?" I ask Scorpius as Freddie groans and shoves all of our trunks into the car.

Scorpius turns a bright shade of red which looks funny on him, "Why would Al and I have anything planned?" He says awkwardly.

I smile a bit, "It was just a question dude no need to get all awkward."

Scorpius shakes his head, "Other than doing all our school work on time for a change I don't think there's anything exciting."

Freddie slams the trunk shut and groans really loudly, "Only thing I'm looking forward to is the first quidditch game of the season."

Ophelia laughs, "Really? You're that excited to lose to your little sister?" Ophelia's the Slytherin keeper, even though she's only going into her third year she's one of the best that Slytherin has had in a long time. Good quidditch players run in the family. None of the Weasleys have ever managed to get a quaffle past her, she makes it her mission to stop every Weasley quaffle, and there are a lot of them.

"Lose against your litter sister and your little cousin?" Scorpius adds which makes everyone but Fred laugh. Scorpius also plays on the Slytherin team, he's got the same position that Fred has; chaser.

"You two talk a lot for a team who's going to lose their best beater this year," Fred says back to them both. He's talking about our older cousin Dominique. She's been playing as one of the Slytherin beaters since her second year and he's right, she's the best. We learned that she's made captain this year when we were all at nan and pops for the end of summer family dinner that we always have.

Leah rolls her eyes, "You talk a lot for someone who's going to lose the captain position to James."

That does it for Fred, his face goes as red as his hair and he instinctively puts his hand on his wand as if he would actually attempt to use magic outside of Hogwarts, and on one of his sisters for that matter. "I'd have to be dead for James to get the Captain position when we are in our seventh year." He says angrily.

"Get your hand off your wand idiot," I say to my big brother. His face softens and he moves his hand and mumbles an apology.

Mum, Dad, Uncle Draco and the littles come out of the back door of the shop and we all load into the car. Pops managed to charm it so it can seat a lot more people than you would have originally thought. Mum and dad have told us wild stories about the one-time dad stole pop's car and rescued mum from her aunt and uncle's place. Then mum told us that if we ever did that she'd make us scrub the floor of the shop with a toothbrush.

"Freddie, you ready for your OWL year?" Uncle Draco asks him.

Fred sort of puffs out his chest, he does that whenever he's unconfident in himself as a way to trick whoever he's talking to, "Course I am. Mum was top of her class during her year."

I want to say, 'Alright but Mum never rode her skateboard into a set of armour because uncle Fred said that it wouldn't hurt.' But I keep my mouth shut and just let him ride his little ego trip. Leah looks at me and I can tell that she's thinking the same thing that I am which makes me laugh a bit.

"What's OWL year?" Theo asks from the very back year.

"It's when Freddie drops out of Hogwarts," Ophelia says laughing. Fred thumps her in the back of her head which makes her laugh harder.

Mum turns around in her seat to look at all of us in the back, "It means that your brother is going to have to get his head out of the clouds and study this year. He's got to write a really big test."

"Oi! I have never had my head in the clouds!" Fred says in his defence which makes everyone laugh.

"Only clouds he's got his head in is when he hotboxes his room," Ophelia says which means that she got hit on the back of the head by Fred again. Surprisingly, Mum and Dad don't say anything about it.

I look out the window and watch as we pull out of wizarding Diagon Alley and into the muggle world. Which means our muggle cellphones start working better. Muggle technology like phones and computers and things don't tend to work when there's a lot of magic around. We always bring our phones to Hogwarts though because the muggle-born kids managed to set up hotspots all over the school strong enough to give out signal over top of the magic. And people really thought that they were the lesser of the wizards.

Freddie and Ophelia both instantly put in their headphones and start listening to whatever it is that they listen to. Uncle Draco is still hesitant about muggle technology so Scorpius doesn't have a phone yet.

"I think I forgot my herbology textbook," Scorpius whispers to me.

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