Chapter 1- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

"Well, it doesn't make sense to battle the Basilisk. Uncle Harry killed it eons ago." Cassie says taking the beans from Leah.

"Leave it to Uncle Harry to kill all the cool things at Hogwarts."

My mum looks at them from the fridge, "You're all lucky the chamber of secrets was dealt with before you were born. It was pretty freaky." She says with a smile.

I sit down at the table beside Theodore and start loading my plate with chicken pasta. Mum comes over and puts a pitcher of water in the middle of the table and sits down. Dad comes up from the shop with a big smile on his face, "Smells good in here." He says before coming over to the table. He kisses the top of Annabeth's head and kisses mum on the lips, disgusting behaviour if you ask me.

"You three are all packed, right? We've got to leave early tomorrow to get to Kings Cross on time." Dad says, taking a bite of his pasta.

Ophelia, Cassie, and I all nod a couple of times. "Fred's gone and lost his wand," Ophelia says sticking her tongue out at me.

"I found it," I say to her sticking my tongue out at her.

Dad laughs, he loves watching us bicker, says it reminds him of aunt Ginny and him when they were younger. "Speaking of wands and things, Fred can we promise not to get into any sort of trouble for at least the first week of school this time?" Mum says to me.

Here's another thing you should know about me. I tend to get into a lot of trouble at school, me and my cousin Louis pull a lot of pranks which neither of my parents really care about. They care more about the fact that I usually come home with a black eye and bruised knuckles. I've got a pretty bad temper, mum says I get it from her but I don't think I've ever seen her angry.

"Well if people stop saying shit..."

"Language Fred," Mum says sternly. Mum really doesn't like cussing which is really funny cause every other word out of her mouth is a cuss. Believe or not Theo's first word was fuck and dad laughed about it for a year.

I roll my eyes and try again, "If people stop saying stuff about my family then we wouldn't have a problem."

"I can fight my own battles Fred, you don't have to get all testosterony or whatever and throw kids across the corridors," Cassie says. It's true, she'll hex you into next year if you cross her but half the shi- stuff that people say is behind her back. They think she's an easy target, small, frail, quiet; and they tend to pick on her because of the goth thing she's got going on.

"All we are asking is for a week of silence. No letters from McGonagall saying that our son punched someone in the nose." Mum says. Dad winks at me though so I know that this little talk was mums idea. Rumour has it that dad beat up my uncle Draco when they were younger. He's always told me that as long as the person deserves it then I'm allowed to punch them. Mum doesn't know about that little talk.

"Yeah alright," I grumble.

"What do the kids say these days? Lit? That's lit? This is the right context for that right?" Dad says looking at all of us.

I don't have to see my siblings to know that each of them just rolled their eyes at the same time that I did, "Godric you're so embarrassing!" Ophelia groans.

"Oh come on your mum and I are hip. With the times. You've all got muggle cellphones don't you?" Dad says looking at mum who's got a big smile on her face.

"Your dad and I are cool," Mum says which earns another round of groans and eye rolls from all of us.

"How many other kids do you know that have parents who encourage dung bombs hmm?" Dad says casually, "Your mum and I got into loads of trouble when we were at Hogwarts. Along with Uncle Lee, Uncle Walter, Uncle Fred, and Auntie Em. We ruled the school."

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