I'm not CrEaTiVe...

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Soo...ummm I got tagged, I guess, by @local-bi-slytherin. Thanks?

1) I am, in fact, a human being.

2) I like potstickers; they are my favorite food.

3) My favorite color is blue.

4) Even though my favorite color is blue, my signature color, as some of my friend call it, is like a maroon-y dark red, because I look awesome in it, and my shoes and like three of my favorite shirts are that color, and my purse, and my past 3 homecoming dresses. So...yeah. I'm pretty known for it.

5) I am a girl.

6) I am a Gryffindor, most of the time, but sometimes I get Hufflepuff when I do random tests.

7) I started writing this book because I like writing but never had the motivation to finish anything, so someone suggested oneshots and it's worked pretty well so far.

8) I am usually called by my last name, but I'm not telling you guys it, because Internet Safety! (Imagine that Internet Safety, but sung as a jingle with jazz hands, that's what I was thinking when I wrote that.)

9) I am a senior in high school this upcoming school year, so I have to figure out what college I'm going to...

10) I want to major in Early Childhood Education, and if I can, some schools offer a program where I can also get a degree for special education, which I would like to do.

11) I have 4 siblings, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 1 turtle.

12) I like musicals, and if you do too, I would love if you commented your favorite musical, or a musical you think I should listen to.

13) I don't own Marvel.

I'm supposed to tag 15 people, but that seems like a lot of work, so...😂😂😂 If you want to do this, feel free to just say I tagged you and do it, I guess.


Peter Parker OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon