Bullies and Bartons (request)

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I went outside for five minutes. FIVE MINUTES without bug spray, and I got bitten 10 times. That's an average of 2 bites per minute!! I still don't own Marvel, btw.

This was requested by @Warriorsfan56 I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: Bullies, bruises. And as always with the Barton kids...they aren't the right ages.

Peter limped out of school, slightly proud of himself, but mostly in pain. He had gotten in a fight with Flash, and by fight, Peter means he actually fought back.

It was kind of a pathetic 'fight' since Peter was concentrating on holding back his strength and not dodging every punch, and Peter came out a lot more bruised than Flash, but at least he did something to stand up for himself for once.

He hopped into Happy's car and successfully rambled until Happy rolled up the divider and ignored him.

He got out at the tower, and jogged to the elevator, his injuries already slowly healing. When he got out at the penthouse, he was immediately greeted by Tony.

"Hey, kid." Tony looked up and paused upon seeing Peter's face. "Want to tell me where you got that black eye from?"

"Nope." Peter said, perfectly straight-faced.

"It wasn't actually a question, kid." Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Then why did you say it like one?" Peter asked as he walked away.

Tony watched him leave, wondering why Peter wouldn't tell him. He yelled after the kid, "Hey, kid! The Barton's are coming over tonight!"

"Yes!" Peter shouted from his room.

Tony laughed. Then, he got an idea. He shot off a quick text to Lila and when he got the response he leaned back, satisfied that Peter would tell someone about his bruise and they could work something out.



"Lila!" Peter ran to the elevator and scooped his favorite 'cousin' up in a hug. Lila laughed and tapped his back.


Peter released her. "Oops. Sorry." He gave her a sheepish grin.

Lila just laughed. "Lets go in your room."

Peter nodded, and turned to Cooper, who was only 2 years younger than Peter. Lila was his age. "Want to join us, Coop?"

Cooper nodded, trying to act cool while secretly excited that he got to be part of the teens.

They hurried to Peter's room, leaving the adults behind to talk and take care of Nate. Once the door was closed behind them, Lila took Peter by the shoulders and gave him a serious and concerned look. "What's up with the eye. You've got a bruise. Who did it?"?

Peter blinked. He had hoped the black eye would be gone by now. "No one. It's not a big deal."

Cooper scrunched up his eyebrows.  "But you got hurt? Isn't that a big deal?"

Peter sighed. "I wasn't really hurt, just a little bruise."

Cooper decided to play on his younger age in the hopes of getting something out of Peter. He pouted slightly, but not exaggeratedly, and title his head in confusion, letting his eyes go wide. Peter almost cooed. "Mommy says to always tell her if someone hurts us, though. Even if it's just a bruise."

Peter stuttered. "I—I mean—what I'm—" he sighed. "Okay. I got the bruise from a kid at school, but it's not bad."

Lila smirked. She knew what her brother had done. "Who? I promise I won't go beat him up if you tell me who."

"His name is Eugene Thompson, but he goes by Flash." Peter responded.

"Great. Now," she stood up and brushed away imaginary dust. "I won't go beat him up, but I'm going to tell your dad, and he can for me." She rushed out of the room before Peter could respond.

"Lila! No!" He ran after her.

He got to the living room just a little too late to stop her.

"Peter. Are you getting bullied?" Tony asked softly. He pulled his kid into a hug, threading his fingers through the teen's hair. Peter sighed and relaxed.

"Yes." He mumbled.

"How long?"

Peter tried to hold back tears. He didn't want to talk about it. "Like, a few years."

Tony squeezed him slightly and pressed a kiss to the teen's forehead. "Thank you for telling me."

Peter pulled away. "Please don't do anything about it. You'll only make it worse. I fought back for once today, and that's why I was so bruised up."

Tony watched as the Barton's backed away from the private conversation. "I'm not going to do anything to Flash, but I need to have a talk with your principal and teachers."

Peter opened his mouth to protest, but Tony abuses (This is supposed to say 'shushed' I hate autocorrect...) him and continued. "You shouldn't have to deal with a bully for years. Someone should have caught it."

"Flash's parents fund the school. They won't do anything." Peter mumbled.

"And I'm Tony Stark." Tony said confidently.

Peter laughed. "Okay."


The next day, Tony took Peter to school early so they didn't have to deal with as many kids seeing them and potentially spreading word to the press.

Tony talked to the principal, who was glad to tell the teachers to watch out for more bullies, especially when Tony Stark was the one to tell him to do so.

When Flash tried to beat up Peter later that day, a teacher immediately put a stop to it and got Flash suspended. It only took a few more times of Flash being caught and told off before he stopped bullying all together.

The End.

Hope you enjoyed!


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