Spider-Dad (request)

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I went on a socially distanced college visit today...and I still don't own Marvel.

This was a request by @Katie5k I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: single teen parentage, not biological, inaccurate legal adoption proceedings, after endgame but everyone, including Tony, are alive and well, and bullies.

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey." Peter whispered softly to the frightened little girl across from him in a back alleyway. "It's okay. I'm Spider-Man! I'm not going to hurt you."

The girl pushed herself back against the dirty brick wall and whimpered, holding her arms close to her chest protectively. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get in your way. I'm sorry. Don't hurt me, please." She cried.

Peter sat down on the dirty alley floor. He raised his hands in the air, as if he was surrendering, showing he meant her no harm. "I won't hurt you. You did nothing wrong."

The girl took a step closer to him. "You're Spider-Man? Like, really Spider-Man? Not fake?"

Peter nodded. "Mhm! You're friendly neighborhood spider, at your service, Princess." He inclined his head in a mini bow, causing the girl to giggle softly.

"You save people." She said matter-of-factly.

"I do." He replied.

"Can you save me?"

That was the day Peter adopted a child.

Once he found out the girl was all alone on the streets, he asked her for her name. She gladly told him it was Emma, but she couldn't give a last name. Peter figured that was fine, since she reportedly didn't have any family anyways. He took her to the Towers and told her his identity, making sure she knew it was a secret. She pinky promised not to tell with a very serious expression.

Tony helped him adopt her, making her name officially "Emma May Parker." Emma seemed to like the name, squealing that she had never had a middle name before. Peter told her the story of his Aunt May, who was the loveliest woman alive. Aunt May was extremely touched when she met Emma.

Emma lived with May and the Avengers and Peter at the tower. They had moved there after the war with Thanos to help each other out more. The Avengers adored Emma to bits and watched her while Peter went to school.

Only a few months after the adoption, Emma called Peter 'Dad.' Peter cried.

"Emma, hun. I've got to go. Be good for Grandpa Tony!" Peter kissed his daughter's head, smirking as Tony mumbled something about being too young.

"You're my dad, I'm her dad." Peter shrugged. "You're a grandpa."

Emma giggled. "That's how it works, silly!"

Tony couldn't help but smile, the same way he always did when Peter called him dad, and the same way Peter did when Emma called him dad.

"Bye, Dad! I love you!" Emma cried as Peter rushed out, waving goodbye.

Peter just barely made it to class, sliding in as the bell rang. Mr. Harrington just sighed.

"Okay, everyone. To the bus." He called tiredly.

Peter glanced at Ned, confused. "The bus?"

Ned's eyes widened. "Shoot! That's what I forgot to tell you!"

MJ snorted. Peter glared at her, ignoring her return glare. "Ned, What did you not tell me?"

Ned grinned sheepishly as they sat down on the bus. "Remember when Emma had that really bad fever and you missed school to take care of her?"

Peter nodded slowly. Ned continued. "We might have been told we were going on a field trip to Stark Towers that day."

"What!?!" Peter growled. "How did I not know this?"

MJ looked up from her book. "You were busy with your kid, and the permission slips were emailed. Your whole family probably knows."

Peter groaned.

When they got to the tower, Peter was attacked.

"Daddy! Dad! Dad! Dad!" Emma squealed as she jumped into Peter's arms. He smiled, always happy when Emma was nearby, and twirled her around.

"Hey, Princess." He kissed her forehead. "Why aren't you being watched by Grandpa Tony?"

"Oh, she is." Tony called as he walked to his son and granddaughter. "We came to crash your trip."

"Yeah, Dad! We wanted to embarrass you!" Emma giggled happily.

"Ummm...Peter?" Abe spoke up. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I checked, you didn't have a kid."

Flash snorted. "Parker got someone pregnant and got stuck with the brat, I bet. Who'd you pay to sleep with you?"

Peter's eyes narrowed. He gently set Emma down and stalked up to Flash, his eyes radiating anger. He grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

"Listen up, Eugene." Peter growled. "Emma is my adopted daughter, who I love with all my life. Say one bad thing about her and I'll kill you. No hesitation."

Flash gulped audibly and nodded. Percy released him.

Emma ran back up to him and hid herself behind his legs. "Dad...those girls are being weird." She pointed at the girls who had been cooing around her as he threatened Flash, luckily meaning that Emma didn't see any of it.

He laughed and picked her up. "They just think you're cute, Princess."

The girl who sat three desks to the right of him—he didn't know her name—sighed. "Please date me. You are like—husband material."

Peter's eyes widened and he backed away to the sound of Tony's laughter. "No thanks!" He squeaked.

Tony turned to the teacher. "He's excused. He lives here."

Before anyone could try to question him more, Peter took the opportunity and fled with Emma in tow.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed!


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