Redemption (request)

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Is this the 100th part? No way! 100 posts here, and I still don't own Marvel.

Also, I have changed the cover in honor of 100 parts, and because the cover was awful anyways. I don't own the photo, I just put the title over top of it.

This was requested by @darkdragon1995 I hope you enjoy!!

Warnings: injury, probably medical inaccuracies. Also, I don't know what animals live in rural New York, so it's a bear, and I don't know what to do when cornered by a bear, so... *shrug* You'll see what I mean.

"Is everyone packed up for our class wilderness retreat?"

Peter's class was huddled around a bus at 5:00 in morning, still rubbing sleep out of their eyes and lugging bags of clothes and toiletries.

"Why can't she just call it camping?" Ned mumbled. He was not a morning person.

Peter, on the other hand, was definitely a morning person. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, waiting for when they could get on the bus. "I'm so excited!"

MJ, neither a morning person or a night person, glanced at Peter with her normal indifferent look. "We can tell, loser."

Peter grinned, entirely unashamed.

"Okay, everyone! On the bus!" Mrs. Warren called.

Peter practically skipped to the bus, sitting in the first seat next to the teachers, with Ned in the window seat so he could rest his head there and sleep. MJ sat behind them, alone-Betty had tried to join her, but MJ has placed her backpack on the seat next to her very decisively, and Betty moved to sit next to Cindy.

Mr. Harrington chuckled as he looked at Peter's bright eyes and wide smile. "Excited?"

"Very!" Peter exclaimed.

Their short conversation was interrupted by Mrs. Warren taking a headcount, and then they were on their way. Peter put his earbuds in, knowing Ned wasn't going to talk to him until at least 7:45. After several long hours, the bus pulled to a stop by a campsite in rural New York.

The students piled out of the bus, glancing around in awe. Most of them had never been out of the city, and while they weren't stupid-they knew forests existed-they had never seen one in person. Peter was similarly in awe. He'd never been anywhere outside of the city, but the nature was beautiful. They were in a loop of several empty lots, and the teachers had a stack of tents near them.

"Okay, children!" Mr. Harrington yelled. "We have a list of who are sharing tents. Please come to me to receive your tent, lot number, and tent-mates. If you need help setting up the tent, give us a shout."

Peter pulled Ned over to the man.

"Peter Parker. You are in lot 63 with Ned Leeds and Flash Thompson." Peter's smile faltered, but he was soon distracted by Mr. Harrington dropping a tent in his hands and giving Ned a few pieces of paper. "Here's your tent, and the instructions to set it up. I also gave you the rules and schedule for the week and a map of the site. You two can head over to your lot, and I'll send Flash your way when he comes here. Mrs. Warren will be walking around to help with tent set-up if you need it."

Peter staggered slightly as Mr. Harrington gave him a push in the direction of lot 63. He readjusted his grip on the tent and went to set it down in the lot.

"Dang. Flash is with us. That sucks." Ned said eloquently.

Peter frowned slightly, but perked back up. "It won't be too bad."

Peter skimmed the directions and quickly set the tent up, then went to help MJ, Betty, and Cindy who were struggling to pin the tent down so it wouldn't fly away. MJ was doing fine, but the other two were glad to have some extra help. When he came back to his lot, Flash had just arrived.

Peter Parker OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin