Flashes and Flash (request)

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So close to the Fourth of July, and my neighbors can't wait to start setting off fireworks. Seriously, though? It's not even the 4th yet and it's the middle of the night. This is my time to write fan fiction and tell people that I don't own Marvel. *huffs* *pouts in a corner* *feels bad* *apologizes to my neighbors for being rude*

This was a request(?) by @OldTownThanos and I don't know if I ever actually responded to it, but here ya go!

Warnings: redemption! Flash x Peter.

Peter groaned and hid his face in his arms. Today...was a bad day.

Ned and MJ were both out sick with some stomach bug. Peter should probably be out sick too, his senses remind him as the lights flashed.

Peter had a migraine that was thundering away behind his eyes like a herd of elephants, and it didn't seem to be going away anytime some. It wasn't entirely a sensory overload like he'd had before, though. Just his sight and spidey-senses were acting up.

The movie they were watching in class—with the lights turned off—suddenly shifted from a dark scene to a very bright one. The sudden flash of light caused Peter to jump slightly and get out of his desk.

"Mrs. Trinton?" He whispered when he reached his English teacher's desk. "May I go to the restroom, please?"

Mrs. Trinton nodded and Peter left. He stumbled his way down the shockingly bright hallway after the dark classroom, and fell into the bathroom. He sunk down to the floor, barely managing to turn the lights off, and extremely glad no one else was here.

As if his Parker luck decided to step in right then, the door to the bathroom opened and none other than Flash Thompson walked in.

Peter groaned softly. Flash was okay now, he had apologized. They got along, but that didn't mean Peter necessarily wanted him here.

Flash sunk to the floor and talked softly. "Peter? Are you okay?"

"Just a migraine." Peter gritted out, his fingers pressing harshly into his temples as he tried unsuccessfully to rub away the pain.

Flash pulled his hands away with a gentle touch and pulled Peter into a hug. Peter wasn't expecting that, but he gladly accepted the comfort. Flash picked Peter up like it was nothing, and had he been more aware, he probably would have blushed at that.

The former bully placed Peter down on the counter and grabbed some paper towels, wetting them slightly. "I'm not sure if this is scientific," he whispered as he placed a damp towel on Peter's forehead and each of his wrists, "but my mom used to do this to me when I had really bad headaches, so..."

Peter relaxed into the cool feel of the wet towels and smiled softly. "Thanks, 'gene."

Peter had started calling Flash Gene or Genie after Peter had admitted that he thought Flash was a stupid nickname. Flash picked Peter back up and set him in his lap, both sitting on the counter now. Peter, some awareness coming back to him through the pain, flushed lightly.

Flash ran his fingers through the boy's hair softly. "Feel any better?"

Peter nodded. "A bit. I should probably go home though. I don't think I can handle the rest of the day."

Flash nodded and set Peter down, then grabbed Peter's phone off the floor where it had fallen when he sat down. "Who should I call?"

"Mr. Stark." Peter replied, closing his eyes. He didn't hear the conversation, but Flash came back a few moments later and pressed his phone in his hand. Peter opened his eyes and smiled.

"Mr. Stark said he'd be here in ten minutes if you could wait that long. Something about a meeting."

"That's okay." Peter shrugged. Flash didn't sit back down, but stared for a minute into Peter's eyes.

"Peter?" Flash started. "I realize this is a bad time, but...I like you. A lot."

Peter looked shocked, then grabbed Flash's hand before he could walk away. "I like you too." He whispered.

Flash's eyes widened, and he smiled. He gently leaned forward, checking Peter's face for permission, and pressed a kiss onto his lips. Peter sighed as he pulled away.

"Thanks, Gene. For taking care of me." He mumbled.

"Anytime, Peter." Flash replied, resting his forehead against Peter's. They didn't talk much after that, just exchanging a few soft kisses. Flash only spoke to confirm that they were dating now, then went back to kissing him.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Stark came and picked Peter up.

Flash and Peter went to school the next day as boyfriends, and Ned, who was back from being sick, was understandably shocked.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed!


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