Hallucinations (request)

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In my defense, I was tired and hungry when I did this, but once I asked why the elevator had a button for the floor we were on. This is probably why I don't own Marvel.

This was a request by @derdiedasanne, hope you enjoy!

WARNINGS: hurt Peter, (physically and emotionally), also FFH spoilers of you haven't seen it. This actually might not make sense at all if you haven't seen it, but whatever. Also, I don't have the exact quotes from the movie, sorry.

Peter stumbled as best as he could across the field of flowers. Happy was bringing the jet.

"Kid?" Happy dismounted and started towards Peter.

"Wait!" Peter threw up a hand. "Wait! Don't come any closer!"

Happy paused. "Kid? You alright?"

"Tell me-tell me something only you would know!" Peter kept his hand out. It was shaking slightly, but he couldn't get on the jet until he knew it wasn't an illusion.

"Uh-I like to eat sandwiches without the crust?" Happy said.

Peter was silent for a moment. That sounded like a very Happy-ish thing to say, and Peter was tired. He decided to trust this because his sixth-sense-he refuses to call it his Peter Tingle-was completely absent. "O-Okay. Help me on board."

Happy rushed to the teen superhero, and helped him limp to the jet.

"Mr. Stark?"


Tony stumbled as landed in what looked like his private jet. He glanced at the watch-shaped device. It was supposed to take him to an alternate universe. Tony couldn't handle his anymore. After Peter-

Well, Tony felt like a failure. The one person he should have protected had died. The boy he would do anything for scarified himself. The kid who gave Tony the strength to live had left him.

The billionaire shook off the thoughts. He just needed a few more minutes with Peter. He couldn't do time-travel again without disastrous consequences for the world, so he settled for universe travel. The watch seemed to be totally fine, so Tony assumed he made it. Now, to find Peter.

"Mr. Stark?"


Peter wrenched himself away from Happy and raised his hands in defense. "Where are you, Beck? I'm not falling for your tricks anymore!"

"Peter?" Tony looked to him. "Who's Beck?"

"Back off!" Peter said. He was waving his hands widely and crying. "I know you aren't real!"

Happy took a step towards the teen, but was promptly webbed to a wall. Peter glanced at him. That shouldn't have worked if he was an illusion. It would have hit the drone and knocked it out.

He turned both hands to Tony. "So, Happy isn't an illusion, but I know you are. You're dead!" He screamed, his voice breaking on the last word.

Tony raised his hands. "Kid, I don't know what happened here, but I'm from an alternate universe-"

"Oh, sure. Just like Beck is, huh?" Peter ignored Tony's attempts and webbed him to the wall as well. When it worked, he dropped his hands, shocked.

"Mr. Stark? You're actually..." Peter pulled the webs off his confused mentor and patted him down, from head to toe, to prove he was real.

His inspection done, he threw himself at Tony and sobbed in his arms.

"You-you died, and-and I t-thought-" Peter pulled away. "How?"

Tony was also crying slightly. "I'm from an alternate universe. I created this device to let me travel here. In my universe, you snapped during the final battle with Thanos. Because of the ease of travel to here, and your reaction, I can assume I did that here."

Peter nodded. "So, I guess you'll have to leave soon, right?" He wiped at his tears furiously.

"I can leave whenever I want, but it'll have to be soon. I'm sorry, kiddo, but I needed to see you again." Tony gently guided his alternate kid over to a seat. "I'm not leaving until I hear what has you in such a mess, though."

Peter sighed. "Beck-mysterio-it's a long story, but I trusted him. I gave him some tech you left me because I thought he would be the most worthy person to have it. I was an idiot!"

Tony hugged his kid, letting the teen calm down.

"He has these drones. They make really real looking illusions. I've been fighting them, but...I don't know if I can do this."

Tony turned to the hero. "If there is anyone I trust to save the world, it's you, Pete. In my universe, there is no Beck. But, I think you must be alive so that you can defeat him. You're the only one who can, Petey-pie."

"How?" Peter sounded broken and tired.

"Don't you have a sixth-sense? Use that."

Peter stared at him. "Of course! How did I not-thank you, Mr. Stark!"

"Anytime. But, kid." Tony looked sad and Peter noticed.

"Oh. I got used to you being here real quick, didn't I?" He laughed bitterly.

"I'll always be with you, Pete. I know it's corny, but I'll be here for you." Tony hugged his kid one last time. "I love you, kid."

"I love you...dad."

Tony smiled and let his device take him home.

Peter turned to Happy and realized, "Shoot! Sorry, Happy!"

He tugged the man off the wall.

"No problem, kid. You got a plan?"

Peter nodded determinedly. "Let's do this."

The End. This was a really good idea, and I'm not sure I did it justice, but it was fun to write, so thanks for the request! I hope you enjoyed!


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