5 times Peter got a Paper Cut

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...and the 1 time Tony did.

I sometimes relate a bit too much to Peter, but I don't own Marvel.

This wasn't a request, I just randomly got the idea and wrote it before I forgot. Don't worry, I still have plenty of requests to do. :D

(Partly inspired by "Peter gets a paper cut" in "Spider-Man Oneshots" by @LarryDrarrySolangelo but it's really different, so I hope you don't mind. :D)

Warnings: Paper cuts. Lots of paper cuts and protectiveness.


"Oof." Peter looked sadly at his finger. He had taken off his glove for a second to grab some papers off the ground—Have you ever tried to pick papers up with a spandex glove? It just feels weird—and got a paper cut.

Karen immediately spoke up. "You have taken off your glove, so I can not receive accurate measures of injury, but you seem to have been injured. Calling Mr. Stark."

"Nononono—Hi, Mr. Stark!" Peter cut off his protests with a cheerful grin when Tony's face appeared on his HUD.

"Karen said you were injured?" Tony asked, his face displaying concern.

"It's nothing, Mr. Stark. Just a paper cut, but my glove wasn't on, so she couldn't tell." Peter reassured.

"Are you sure? Karen?" Tony didn't believe him. Peter huffed as Karen spoke up.

"This is true, sir. He has returned his glove, and needs no medical attention." She replied.

"Alright then. Be safe, kid." Tony ended the call.



Peter hissed under his breath and stuck the soft part of skin between his thumb and pointer finger in between his lips. Tony dropped what he was working on and rushed over.

"Are you okay?"

"Mhm." Peter hummed around the hand in his mouth. He pulled his hand away and showed the paper cut. "I'm fine."

Tony laughed slightly, almost nervously. He put a hand on Peter's forehead as if checking for a fever before he nodded and walked away.



Peter flipped the page of his test and hissed. The watch on his wrist when haywire and he sighed. In two minutes, Ironman crashed through the window.

"Paper cut." Peter said, holding up his finger.

"Okay." Tony left after kissing the small cut and ruffling his kid's hair.

Peter was left to explain to his classmates.



Tony was trying not to laugh. He knew Peter got emotional when tired, but he didn't think it was this emotional. Peter was sitting in a chair at the school nurse's office, crying and clutching his hand as if he was dying. Tony had been called as an emergency contact when May couldn't be reached. The nurse luckily wasn't too shocked after the other paper cut incident.

"It's just a paper cut," the nurse confirmed, "but he seems to be missing a lot of sleep, so I'm sending him home. Get him some rest, and he'll be right as rain."

Tony nodded. "Got it. Thanks."

"Hey, kid." He said softly to the sobbing Peter.

"Mr. Stark, it hurts!" Peter's voice cracked around the sobs as he cried. Tony laughed.

"Come on, kid. I'll fix you up."



Peter sighed and called Tony.

"What's up, kid? Aren't you at home?"

Peter looked at his finger and smiled brightly. "You told me to call if I even got a paper cut after last time, so I'm calling."

Tony laughed. "Okay, kid. You need time to come protect you from it again?"

Peter shook his head. He was way too tired to remember what happened last time, but Tony wouldn't stop teasing him about it. "I did tell you I got emotional when tired."

"That wasn't emotional. That was madness."

"Bye!" Peter hung up.



Tony hissed from across the lab, and Peter was already out of his chair, an evil grin on his face.

"Are you okay? Oh, we can't let the bay get hurt." He fussed over Tony. "Oh no! It's a paper cut, you poor thing." He checked for a fever. "You seem alright, but I had better check your reflexes as well, you never know—"

"Okay. I get it. I'll stop fussing." Tony laughed.

Peter grinned victoriously, then looked concerned. "But, do you like actually need a band-aid?"

"That'd be nice, yeah." Tony sighed.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed!


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