Ghost (request)

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I hate to say it, but if I owned Marvel, I probably wouldn't be writing fanfiction.

This was a request from @MylifeasaWolf13. Hope you enjoy! I should probably warn you though, like I said, I've never seen supernatural, so I don't know if this is what you were thinking, but I hope it works!

WARNINGS: Major character death, probably really OOC Peter, sadness.

Peter died.

He had been suffocated by the fire from the plane crash with the vulture because his lungs were damaged from having a warehouse dropped on him. He had managed to apprehend and save the Vulture, who was now in prison, but he didn't have time to save himself.

The funeral service was beautiful. Tony revealed his identity as Spider-Man, and people from all over New York came to pay their respects. A monument was made for the friendly neighborhood hero who had given his life protecting the city.

But while everyone was grieving, Peter himself was mildly upset.

He never regretted any of his actions that night, but he wished he hadn't died, because no one could see him now. Sure, he could sometimes make himself visible for short amounts of time, but he couldn't do it all the time, and he hated it.

He mostly stayed in Stark Tower, because he figured if anyone was smart enough to figure out he was there, it would be Tony. Peter moved things around, things that had a connection to himself, mostly. He even once moved his spidersuit all the way from the case Tony had put it in to the desk Peter would always put it on when it needed repairs.

Nothing worked.

So, he was going to his last resort. Once Tony was alone in his lab, staring wistfully at some alcohol, which Peter had locked up and threw the key off the tower, Peter made himself visible.

"Mr. Stark!"

Tony fell out of his chair and started backing away. "What-I'm hallucinating..."

"No! Mr. Stark, I'm a ghost! Please, I'm right here." Peter was crying. He couldn't hold this for long, but he needed Tony to know he was here.

"Kid?" Tony stood up. He seemed like he wanted to believe, but he just couldn't.

"Yes! I can't hold this for long, Mr. Stark, but I'm here. I'm the one who keeps moving things. It's all I can do." Peter started fading away.

When he was invisible, Tony stayed staring at the spot where he was. "Peter? If you're real, can you prove it to me?"

Peter grabbed a screwdriver, the closest thing to him, and lobbed it at Mr. Stark.

"Okay. Thanks, kid. I believe you."


A year passee, with Peter only being able to talk to Tony for a few minutes every once in a while, and slowly getting more and more upset.

The last time he talked to Tony, he yelled and screamed and blamed him for his death.

Peter felt bad for that one, but he couldn't help it. He was so angry. He was stuck, and no one could see him, and if he had to spend eternity like this, Peter didn't think he could handle it.

Today, he was going to talk to Tony again.

As he made himself visible, Tony started talking.

"Kid, I know this is hard. I think I found something that can help."

"Help?" Peter asked, trying not to let the rage boiling in his stomach come free.

"Yes. You are stuck here, but I have a way to get you to the afterlife, and you'll feel better. I promise." Tony looked nervous.

"Do you-do you not want me here?" Peter was furious. After everything he did-

"No! Peter, I wish you could stay forever, but it's messing with you. You are getting more and more upset, and it's because you are stuck here."

Peter felt himself deflate. "Please help me, Tony."

Tony smiled sadly. "Go to your apartment, find something important to you, and bring it back here. I'll help you."

Peter obeyed, fading away from sight and going to his apartment. He found the watch he had always worn, the one that Ben had given him. He brought it back to Tony and placed it on his desk.

Tony talked, even though he couldn't see him. "I'm going to put this in this machine, and then I want you to step in. After it works, I'll take the watch back to May."

Peter stepped into the machine, hating that he wanted to yell at Mr. Stark.

Tony turned on the machine, and Peter blacked out for the first time since he died.


When Peter blinked his eyes open, the ever-present pit of rage had faded, and a familiar face was smiling down at him.


"Welcome home, Peter."

Ahhhhhhhh. That was sad... I hope you enjoyed!


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