Field Trip Chaos

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A/N: Still don't own Marvel.

Warnings: idk. Mentions of getting shot? Bullying


"Peter? Are you listening?" Ned interrupted the never ending stream of anxiety attacking Peter's brain.

"U-um. No. Sorry." Peter smiled sheepishly.

"What's wrong?" Ned furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"I forgot my science homework." Peter groaned, putting his face in his hands.

Ned laughed. "Well, do it now. You've got 10 minutes."

Peter sat up quickly and opened his science notebook. They were sitting in study hall, and the bell was due to ring in minutes, then Peter had to go to science and Ned had to go to math.

Just as Peter finished the last question, the bell rang and Ned and Peter parted ways.

Peter walked into his class a few minutes before anyone else, and turned in his homework. Then he read the whiteboard at the front of class.

Class, I'm out sick today. You get a free bell to work on what you want, while the sub grades your homework. You will get it back at the end of class.

Peter sighed. This class had his favorite teacher. He hated when he was out, because he was the only teacher who stood up for him when Flash bullied him.

Peter sighed and put his head down on the desk, ignoring Flash's taunts for the rest of the bell.


"And one last thing!" The decathlon supervisor spoke up. "There is an optional surprise field trip this Saturday. It's a reward for winning the nationals. I'll send you all information. You can leave now, but Peter, stay behind."

Peter sighed and stayed still as his friends left, Ned glancing over his shoulder and MJ muttering something about him being a loser.

"Peter. You can't go on the field trip. You skipped nationals."

"I know." Peter sighed.

"Sorry, kid."


"Sorry, kid." Tony responded when Peter told him the story of the missed field trip. "But, Hey! Why don't you come over here for the weekend?"

"Really, Mr. Stark?!?!" Peter instantly forgot the field trip and jumped in excitement, landing on the ceiling.

"Yes, if you get down." Tony sighed at the energetic kid he refused to see as a son.

Peter flipped down from the ceiling. "I'd love to!"

"Okay. Go get packed then, and tell your hot Aunt May."

Peter scrunched his nose up at the comment as he walked out of the lab.


"Welcome to Stark Towers/Avengers' Compound everyone!"

Ned was freaking out. Peter didn't know that this was where the field trip was. He could see it now: Peter would be embarrassed and annoyed and somehow spill some crazy big secret, probably about Spider-Man, and then he would have a panic attack and end up more embarrassed. If only Ned's phone hadn't died from playing too much Candy Crush, he could warn his best friend.

"Looks like your little friend is about to be proven wrong, and he doesn't even know it." Flash grinned wickedly.


"I'm going patrolling!" Peter tugged his mask on.

"Okay, be back by lunch!" Tony called. He knew the kid felt bad for not going out last night, because they were watching movies. So, he let the kid go, but he didn't like it. He was a little protective of the doe-eyed intern.

"No problem, Mr. Stark."

Spider-Man spent the morning swinging around and stopping crime, managing to get stabbed twice and shot in the shoulder before heading home.

Just fix it up and don't let Mr. Stark see.

Peter walked causally into the med-bay, ignoring the people around him.

"Peter, what is it this time?" Dr. Cho looked up at the boy as he walked in. He had changed before coming down, so the doctor assumed it wasn't too bad.

"Nothing I can't handle, Doc!" Peter grinned at her, then grabbed a first aid kit, not noticing anything else around him.

Ned, however, noticed him and was frantically trying to catch his attention. Flash was speechless, but not for long.

Peter lifted up his shirt to reveal two stab wounds and a bullet wound.

"Peter!" Dr. Cho grabbed her chest in shock.

"It's okay. I just need to take the bullet out. It doesn't even hurt that much." Peter flashed a disarming grin her way, then went back to fixing himself up. Once he had bandaged his wounds, he finally looked up.


Okay. That's what I've got for now. Comment if you want a part two!

I think I'm getting better at working up the nerve to post, but this definitely isn't my best work. I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.

Also! Shoutout to the only person I think has read this so far! lamming19! Thanks for the support!


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