The Peter Effect (request)

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I drove my brother to soccer, but now it's raining really badly and I can't go home. And even still, I don't own Marvel.

This was requested by PetertonysonStark09 I hope ya like it!

Warnings: Sad Peter, villains in the PPPS.

Peter pouted at his empty container of double chocolate fudge chocolate chip chocolate drizzle ice-cream. He could feel tears begin to prick at the corner of his eyes and rubbed the back of his hand on his tear-stained cheeks.

"Get over it, Parker." He mumbled to himself, going to throw away the empty container and find the chocolate pudding. He deserved it.

MJ had cheated on him with Brad. Peter couldn't even think the name without imagining punching him in the face. MJ had said she was just tired of worrying about Peter and that she needed to move on. Peter just didn't understand why she had to cheat and didn't just straight up tell him.

He finished the pudding and looked out the window. He might as well get some spideying in. Maybe Brad will get robbed and Peter can swing by and laugh at his pain.

He shook his head. No, he's Spider-Man. If Brad gets mugged he still has to do something.

...does he, though?

He shook his head harshly and got changed into his Spider-Man suit. Peter swung out and found his first crime.

After a few minutes stopping crime, one of the criminals spoke up randomly. "Who's Brad?"

"Hmm?" Peter asked as he webbed up the man, leaving his mouth free so he could talk.

"You keep mumbling 'stupid Brad,' and 'annoyingly perfect Brad.' Who's Brad?" The man asked as Peter took down his friends.

"He's the guy my girlfriend cheated on me with." Peter growled.

"Dude! No way! That's awful!" One of the other guys spoke up.

"Yeah, man. I mean, I kind of hate you cause I'm a criminal, but even I can tell you're a good person. I wouldn't cheat on someone like you." The first guy said.

"Thanks?" Peter acknowledged, then swung away to fight more crime. He was stopped by the Shocker.

After only seconds, the Shocker put down his weapon. "Okay, kid. What's wrong?"

Peter groaned, throwing his head back. "My girlfriend cheated on me, okay?"

"Who? I'll beat them up." The Shocker declared. "Cheating on Spidey," he mumbled. "What an idiot."

Peter took the opportunity to web him up. "Thanks, but I'll be fine."

The night continued in the same vein—Brad never got mugged as far as Peter was aware, and he tried to tell himself he wasn't disappointed—and at the end he swung to the Tower to crash.

"Mr. Stark! The villains were being so weird! I was upset 'cause of MJ—I told you about that—and they were acting all...concerned." Peter said as he entered.

"Yep." Tony replied, not at all fazed. "That's the Peter Effect."

The End.

I hope you enjoyed!


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