Lokison pt. 3 (request)

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I own Marvel.

JK. I still don't. *sobs in a corner*

Anyways, this was a request by @Book_Fam101 but I was already working on it when they requested it, because I feel like I left in a sort of bad part, and people seem to like this series, so here ya go!

Warnings: Frostiron (found the name), Most of these warnings recently haven't even been real warnings? But I keep writing them?

Peter smiled as he walked through Asgard, following in his father's footsteps. Loki gently guided his son to the throne room and made an announcement.

"People of Asgard. I would like to welcome back Prince Peter Dmitri Lokison, third in line to the throne." Loki proclaimed. People cheered, remembering the little child who had been taken from them years ago.

Peter smiled and waved, leaning back shyly into his father. After the affairs in Asgard were taken care of, Loki took him back to Earth, telling the land that Peter would return monthly so that he could spend most of his time with his Midgardian family.

When they landed on Earth, Peter rushed to talk to Tony.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter cried, hugging his mentor.

"Hello, Tony." Loki called, following behind.

"Hi, kiddo. H-hey, Loki." Tony replied.

Peter rambled about his day, dragging Tony to the kitchen, ignoring the glances shared between his two father-figures. After all, if they got together, he would still have two dads.

"...and then, Amira-she's one of the castle gardeners-said that I could come to the garden anytime!"

"That's great, kiddo." Tony sent a fond smile to the teenager.

"Mr. Stark? Can I ask you something?" Peter muttered, sending a glance to his father. Loki nodded. They had talked about this during their trip to Asgard.

"Anything, kid." Tony turned his full attention to Peter, who blushed under the scrutiny.

"C-can I call you Dad?"

Peter waited for a few seconds, and not hearing a response, he looked up. Tony was crying softly.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean-"

Tony cut him off by pulling him into a hug and mumbling, "I would be honored, son."

Peter sighed and relaxed into the hug, completely missing his father asking his newest father out to dinner.

Hope you enjoyed! I know it's kind of short, but the other two have been as well.


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