Meeting the Avengers (Part 1)

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A/N: Once again, I don't own Marvel. Just saying so I don't get sued hopefully.
Panic attack
(I hope I got everything that could set someone off. If I didn't, I am so sorry, please tell me so I can add in later warnings.)

Tony Stark stared blankly into his hands. The Rouge Avengers. He hadn't seen Captain America and his team since Civil War. The accords were finished, and they had signed them at separate times to avoid each other. Now, though, they were all coming back together on Nick Fury's orders. Something about working effectively as a team again.

"Mr. Stark? Are you okay?"

Tony looked up into the brown, doe-like eyes of his intern. "Yeah, kid. I'm okay."

"Are you sure, Mr. Stark? FRIDAY said you were in distress?" Peter Parker looked over his mentor worriedly. His hands were shaking, and his eyes weren't focused properly.

"I-I" Tony started to panic. What if they find out about Peter? They don't know he's just a kid! They will be so mad! I don't think-

"Mr. Stark, you have to breathe." Peter instantly recognized the signs of a panic attack. He had been having them for a while, ever since the attack with the Vulture.

He finally got Tony to calm down and breathe.

"Sorry, kid." Tony was more than a little embarrassed to have broken down in front of the kid.

"It's okay, Mr. Stark!" Peter shrugged off his apologies. "Can I ask what you are stressed about, though? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to-"

"No, kid. It's okay. You should know."

Peter stopped talking and listened, which was a rare enough sight to get Tony to start an explanation.

"You remember the fight in Berlin, right?"

Peter nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! The one where I stole Cap's shield and he dropped an airplane terminal on me!"

Tony winced slightly, "Yeah. That one. Anyways, the Avengers we were fighting against-"

"You mean Captain America?" Peter interrupted.

"Yes, I mean Captain America." Tony rolled his eyes, "They are coming here. To live here."

A moment of silence passed, causing Tony to look up in worry at his normally talkative intern.

"Woah! Kid!"

Peter was currently struggling to breathe. He had gotten so excited at the idea of meeting the Avengers, that he had forgotten that breath is important to live. He was flapping his hands around energetically, while gasping with lack of air.

"Kid! Breathe!" Tony grabbed his intern's hands before he could knock something dangerous off one of the shelves in the lab.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark!" Peter's eyes were wide with energy. "It's just- Can I meet them? Can I tell them I'm Spider-Man? Would Captain America be mad that I stole his shield? What if they are mad that I'm a kid? Would they be mad at me?"

"Kid! Slow down! Yes, I suppose you can meet them. They will find out about you anyways. And they will be more mad at me then you, so you can calm down now."

"Oh. Okay. When are they coming?"

Tony sighed in exhaustion, "They will be here tomorrow. I'll pick you up after school and they will be here a little after that."

"Okay. I've got to go home now and get ready! What should I wear?" Peter waved over his shoulder as he left the lab.

Tony Stark just watched him go with a soft smile on his face.


"Mr. Stark! I didn't think that you were actually gonna pick me up! I thought you meant Happy!" Peter stood outside the fancy car that was parked a little ways from the school.

"Yeah. I needed to get out of the lab. Get in, kid. I don't have all day." Tony Stark waited until his kid- Not my kid, my intern!-had buckled up before pulling away from the curb.

"Okay, kid. When we get inside, I want you to wait on the couch, okay? I'm going to get changed and then go get the team. They are all coming, Cap's team and mine, and then I'll take them to the conference room. Once we are done talking about living arrangements, I'll bring them to meet you. I don't want to set them off before everything settled, okay?"


Tony turned to looked at Peter, putting the car in auto-drive. "What's wrong?"

Peter sighed and looked at his hands, "I'm worried that they won't like me."

Tony laughed, "Kid. They will love you." I mean, you got me wrapped around your finger. How could they not love you?


Peter paced nervously around the living room of the compound. He had gotten used to the space, since Mr. Stark had decided to give him a real internship. Peter had solved an apparently unsolvable problem, which led to Mr. Stark testing him, which led to Mr. Stark giving him an internship, inviting him into the lab and the compound, giving him his own room, and overall making sure Peter had unlimited access to the whole compound. Whether he wanted it or not.

At this point, Peter was literally walking on the the walls. His nerves were killing him. He heard the sounds of feet coming closer to the living room, and thanks to his enhanced hearing, had enough time to jump off the walls, settle onto the couch and pick up a book on nuclear physics. It was a little too basic for his liking, but he wasn't actually reading it.

The door opened, and Peter heard several people walk in. No one was really talking, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

"So. Who did you want us to meet, Stark?" A voice broke the silence.

"Right, um. Please stay calm." Tony's voice was shaking slightly. It sounded almost as if he had been crying. This caught Peter's attention and he stiffened slightly. "Kid. Come here."

Peter stood up and faced the confused Avengers. "H-hey. I'm Peter Parker. Nice to meet you?"

Tony walked to stand next to Peter. "This is Peter, he is my personal intern. He's also-" Tony looked at the kid who shrugged.

"I'm Spider-Man."

Okay. So I didn't proofread this, but I'm going to publish it anyways. If I read it, it will never be published.

There will be a part two out ASAP.


Peter Parker OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora