Soulmate (request)

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Parley is so cute, and if I owned Marvel, it would be canon. I don't though, so this is the next best thing.

This was a request by @Nobody2USweetie. Hope you like it!

Warnings: Field Trip and Harley x Peter soulmate cuteness. I squealed just reading the request, so.

Peter rubbed the back of his neck as the teacher announced a surprise field trip to Stark Towers today. It was a nervous habit of his to run his fingers over the soulmate mark on his neck when something bad was happening. A field trip to Stark Towers was definitely bad.

To get his mind off of it, he thought about the mark on his neck. The first words his soulmate would say to him. "Sorry, Darlin'." It was missing the g, and Peter couldn't help but imagine it in a deep, smooth southern accent. He felt his neck heat up as he imagined how he would meet them. He would probably bump into them, and they would say his words, and he would say theirs, and they would live happily ever after with three kids and a dog in little house in a beautiful neighborhood with a garden and porch, and then they would grow old and have lots of grandkids and-

"You OK there?" Ned waved a hand in Peter's face. Peter blinked and returned to the real world.

"Sorry, just thinking." Peter said, trying to control his blush.

Ned saw right through him. He had already met his soulmate. Betty, from the decathlon team, had said his words the first day of freshman year. "You dropped your pencil, red shirt."

Peter grinned sheepishly. He didn't have much more time to think about it, though, as the teacher was boarding them on the bus, and doing a quick head count.





The bus finally started moving, and Ned turned the conversation back to Peter's soulmate. "Don't worry. You'll meet them."

Peter smiled softly. "Yeah."


Harley was in a rush this morning. He had woken up late, and he had to find Tony so he could meet his intern. He had plenty of time to check his soulmate mark, though. He always did.

"Don't worry about it, Angel." Was written in gorgeous script on the back of his neck. Harley couldn't wait to find them.

He rushed through his routine, noticing that it was already 11:54. He didn't realize he had slept that late, but he supposed jet-lag would do that to a person.

He rushed to where FRIDAY told him Tony would be, in a conference room on the 47th floor.


So far, the trip wasn't bad. Peter had been given a guest badge on the condition he turned it in to the front desk after the tour, and he had been greeted by a few interns, thus proving his internship. Flash was sulking, but there wasn't much he could do. He wasn't a complete idiot.

It only started to go downhill around 11:30, when the guide announced a Q&A with the Avengers.

"Peter!" Tony called.

"Mr. Stark." Peter replied dully.

Tony rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to say hi to my personal intern!"

Peter looked at him, dead serious and said. "Then say hi and leave."

MJ snorted. The class, who had never really doubted Peter, accepted the relationship and moved on. Flash pouted harder in the background.

At 11:56, right as the Q&A was wrapping up, a teenager with gorgeous blond hair and blue eyes entered the room. Peter couldn't help but think he looked like an angel. The teen rushed into the room, headed straight for Tony. In the process, he bumped into Peter's shoulder.

"Sorry, Darlin'" he muttered distractedly.

"Don't worry about it, Angel." Peter replied, not missing a beat. Then he paused and internally face-palmed for calling the teen Angel out loud. Then he paused again when he noticed the feeling of warmth spreading from his soulmate mark.


Harley rushed into the room at 11:56, vaguely noting it was filled with a tour group. They looked to be almost done, so he headed to Tony. On the way, he bumped into the cutest teen he had ever seen.

"Sorry, Darlin'" he apologized.

"Don't worry about it, Angel." The cute teen responded.

Harley stopped and turned to the teen, who seemed to slowly be coming to the same realization as he was.

"Hey, soulmate." Harley grinned.


That deep southern voice Peter had always imagined was right in front of him, calling him his soulmate. Peter swooned internally and blushed hard externally.

"H-hey." He stuttered.

The gorgeous teen-his soulmate!-smiled at him. "I'm Harley Keener, sweetheart. You?"

"P-Peter Parker." He responded. Then, something clicked. "Wait! You're the kid with the potato gun that Mr. Stark always talks about! I was supposed to meet you later today."

Harley laughed. "You must be his personal intern then. He didn't tell me your name, just that you were like a son to him."

Peter blushed. "Really?"

"Yep!" Tony said from behind them. "I see you two have already met."

Peter noticed suddenly that his team had left.

"Don't worry, Pete. Your teacher said you could stay behind for the rest of the tour and after since you knew everything anyways, and you would just be coming straight back."

Peter nodded. Harley sent a glare at Tony.

"Hey, old man. Can you leave us alone?" Harley asked.

Tony glanced between them a few times, obviously having missed the part of the conversation where they discovered they were soulmates.

"We are soulmates." Peter said shyly.

"Oh!" Tony quickly left.

"So, Darlin'." Harley grinned. "Can I kiss you? Cause you're adorable."

Peter flushed more, if that was even possible, and nodded shyly. "I'd like that, Angel."

Harley kissed him sweetly, and they both reveled in the feeling of love and safety that surrounded them, embraced in their soulmate's arms.

The End.

Hope you enjoyed!


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