A Call for an Agent (request)

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*cries because I don't own Marvel*

This was a request by ravencheshire87 I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: identity reveals, cool Agent Peter.

*bzzzzz* *bzzzzz* *bzzzzz*

Peter sighed and pulled out his phone as the teacher located the source of the buzzing and glared at him. Mrs. Wallis walked up and snatched the phone away.

"You know the rules, Mr. Parker." She gloated. Then, she paused. "How-how do I-"

Peter grimaced. He had forgotten. He had put Karen on his phone so that nobody but him could get on to it. "Karen, answer the call on speaker." He said.

"Of course, sir." The female voice rang out from the speakers. The class jumped, Mrs. Wallis even almost dropping the phone.


"You're on speaker!" Peter cut in.

"Do you think I care?" Fury grumbled through the phone. "This is life or death, Parker, and we needed you yesterday."

Peter stood up, aware that his whole class was watching, but not very concerned about it. "I'm coming, Sir."

"Good. I'll send you the coordinates. Agent Parker, this is a code red. Be here fast." The line clicked and went dead.

Peter started to pack up his stuff and tried to leave.

"Excuse me." Mrs. Wallis got in his way. "I cannot allow-"

Peter pulled out an official-looking badge and waved it in her face. She went cross-eyed as she tried to follow it.

"I'm Agent Parker of SHIELD. You are currently impeding on government work. Move out of the way, or I will be forced to take you in." Peter's eyes were hard. No one had ever seen him like this. Mrs. Wallis moved out of the way, and he ran past.

"Oh," Flash muttered, "First an internship and now this. Liar."

"Shut up, Flash." The class chorused.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed!


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