I bestow thee with a Title

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I got tagged! Thanks PetertonysonStark09 !!

Here we go!

1) See above.

2) I don't know. I'm on vacation. I was tagged, I'm posting this when I get to it.

3) Okay...

i) I like photography, and I'm decent, but not great at it.

ii) If you talk to me with an accent that isn't my own, there is a 97% chance that I'm trying really hard not to mimic back to you when I respond.

iii) I love history when it's presented in an engaging way, but not a lot of people will do that, and so I usually dislike history class and museums or stuff.

iv) I have four siblings, and my dad is one of ten. A few of his siblings also had pretty big families, and so I have a big enough extended family that I can't even tell you how many cousins I have, or what most of their names are.

v) I have a sweet tooth like none other. If it's sweet enough to make you sick, I'll probably really enjoy it.

vi) I also cannot stand spicy foods. If it's hotter than black pepper, I can't really deal with it. The rest of my family loves spicy food though, so sometimes I have to sit there and eat whatever Mom makes and just suffer through it with a large glass of milk.

vii) I used to want to be an architect because I loved to look at pretty buildings, but then I realized how much math would be involved and I decided not to.

viii) I am the person my family goes to if they want to double check something about Harry Potter, because I know too much about it.

ix) I get really stressed out about stupid stuff, and then everything turns out fine and I feel like an idiot for getting so worked up, but I do it again the next time anyways.

x) I don't own Marvel.

4) hahaha. No.

5) See the Title.

6) Quarantine.

It's okay if you don't get it. It's an inside joke.

7) Spoiler Alert! I don't actually plan stories out really well, I just kind of write. So, umm. My spoiler is that Peter got shot.

8) See the picture.

Okay! Bye!

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