Abs (request)

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I keep saying this like you guys haven't caught the drift yet. I hope that doesn't annoy you, but I'm having fun with it. I don't own Marvel, nor have I ever. I'm not saying anything about the future though, because a fan-fiction author can dream.

This was a request by @Katie5k, hope ya like it!

Warnings: bullying.

"Okay, listen up!" Mr. Harrington called from his table in the gym. No one payed any attention. Mr. Harrington sighed, "I should never have become a teacher."

"LISTEN UP!" MJ shouted. The room went silent. "Mr. Harrington has something to say."

"Uh-Thanks MJ." Mr. Harrington cleared his throat. "As you know, we have won the local championships-" he waited for the cheers to subside.

"The next round of competitions takes place in a town about a two days drive from here. The entire team is dismissed from school from the day before we leave through the day after we come back to give us time to prepare and then relax after the tournament. We will be taking a bus and staying at hotels, but you are free to find your own transportation so long as you inform me beforehand."

Everyone stayed silent, glancing at MJ nervously.

"That's it." Mr. Harrington finished.

"You heard the man. Let him know if you are going to find alternate transportation by tomorrow. He has a stack of permission slips next to him." MJ finished. Mr. Harrington jumped slightly as he realized he forgot the slips and waved them in the air, smiling gratefully at the teen. "Dismissed." MJ called.

Peter ran up to MJ. "Hey. Me and Ned-"

"Ned and I."

"Ned and I were going to stay at Mr. Stark's and leave to get to the tournament by plane. Do you want to come?"

"Really, Parker? Going that far with the Internship lie?" Flash sneered. Peter blushed and looked away, but MJ just stared at Flash until he backed off.

"Sure, loser." She picked up her stuff. "Pick me up at my place before you head to Stark's and I'll come."

She left. Peter first-pumped behind her back and high-fived Ned.


A few days later, Ned and MJ were chilling at Mr. Stark's place with Peter. It wasn't the tower, but was a house out in a smaller neighborhood of New York. It was beautiful. The house was on top of a hill, looking down on the rest of the neighborhood. It was large, but not overly so, and decorated so it seemed cozy and lived-in.

Ned spent most of his time in the tech room-which was lined with screens, computers, and gaming consoles-when he wasn't hanging out with Peter and MJ.

MJ spent most of her time in the library, only coming out when Peter gave her his famous puppy eyes or when they ordered food.

Peter was all over the place, on the other hand. He worked in the garage, exercised in the gym, hung out in the tech room, tried to hang out with MJ in the library, and danced around the kitchen to Hamilton when he was bored.

All three would spend two days in the house, and then fly over to the competition to meet their teammates. Mr. Stark left them alone most of the day because he had work, but he always showed up for dinner and left after breakfast, so that he wasn't just leaving teenagers in a house alone for two days.


"Okay. We have everyone?" Mr. Harrington double-checked the list of the bus riders.

"Parker and his friends aren't here, Mr. Harrington!" Flash shouted.

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