Aftermath (request)

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A/N: Don't own Marvel.

I got a request! Yay! This goes out to @Fangirl-4eva. (I hope I got that right.) I hope this live up to your expectations!

Trigger warnings: None, I think. I don't remember. I FORGOT!! FFH SPOILERS!! ...sorry

Peter sat in shock on the top of a street light. His identity had just been revealed, and he was being framed as the bad guy.

This sucks.

Peter jumped and swung away, landing on a building not too far off to yet changed into civilian clothes. He was pretty sure he was going into some form of shock considering he hadn't had a panic attack yet. He slipped a hat on his head and walked with his head down to his apartment.

"Aunt May? I'm home!" Peter dropped his stuff at the door and walked to the kitchen.

"Peter! Are you alright? I saw the news. What are you going to do?" Aunt May rushed up to him and pulled him into a hug.

Peter blinked a few times, and let the severity of the situation sink in as he started to cry into his Aunt's shoulder. "I don't know, Aunt May. I don't know."

May pulled her nephew to the couch and held him as he cried and panicked. When he finally calmed down, he sat up and looked at her with tear-stained and determined eyes.

"I have to find the people who did that. Quentin is dead, but his team is still out there. If I can find them, I can get proof that I'm the good guy. As for my identity..." Peter trailed off.

"I'm sure Happy will know what to do about your identity. For now, just stay safe." Aunt May kissed Peter's forehead and let him go.

He quickly changed into his Spider-Man suit again and began rapidly conversing with Karen about how to track down Quentin's team.

"Got it! Aunt May, I've gotta go!" Peter called out as he swung away. Aunt May just shook her head as her nephew ran off to get into a fight.

"That kid." She muttered as she went to call Happy.


"You know. For bad guys? You all are really bad at this whole fighting thing." Peter quipped at the webbed-up team of Tony Stark haters.

"You'll be seen as the bad guy for doing this. The fake video I sent out has been a great success. You touch us and they'll all hate you." One scientist growled at Spider-Man.

"Oof. Yeah, well. After the video I just took of you saying that, I think not. Plus, the evidence is literally screaming for attention in your lab. I mean, 'Fake Video to Frame Spider-Man?' Who calls a folder something so obvious? It's literally the first thing I saw on your desktop." Peter shook his head in fake disappointment.

Suddenly, the police charged in and Spider-Man stepped back. "Okay. I know you all hate me, but the proof that I did nothing wrong is all in this lab. Just look." Peter took off his mask and raised his hands above his head to prove his intentions. The chief of police kept his gun trained on Spider-Man, but motioned for his detectives to scan the lab.

"Sir. It looks pretty much in Spider-Man's favor." One detective called out.

"I also have a video of one of them confessing guilt on my phone if you want to see it." Peter calmly explained and pulled his phone out to let the police watch the video.

"Okay, Spider-Man. We believe you. The rest of you are under arrest." The chief police officer moved his gun to motion at the webbed up scientists.

"Please. Just call me Peter." Peter smiled shyly at the officer.

"Nice to meet you, Peter. I'm Officer Jack. Just to let you know, we can get this evidence out, but there will need to be a court case of some kind." Officer Jack told the teenage hero as his team took the bad guys away.

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