Rude rogues pt 2 (request)

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When I say I don't own, you say Marvel!

I don't own...

This was a request from @Nobody2USweetie. Hope you enjoy!

Warnings: mentioned death, mentioned suicide, mentioned violence and abuse.

Peter cried softly as he watched his dad sob over him. He knew it had to be done, though. Tony was amazing, but he couldn't stop the abuse.


8 years later

Peter watched out the window of JJJ's office as the Avengers were being brutally attacked by aliens. He knew if he went to help, they would win and everyone would be safe, but doing so would mean losing his job and going back to being Spider-Man as well as revealing that he was never dead. He shrugged.

"Sorry, JJ. I quit." Peter threw his camera down on his boss's desk and ran out, ignoring the man's cries as he tried to get his best photographer back.

Peter, now 23 years old, slipped into a suit he had made in case of an emergency. It was black, form-fitting, and designed so it wouldn't freak Tony out if he had to join a battle. Showing up as Spider-Man would cause too much of a scene to be good in life or death scenarios.

He swung into the scene and started punching aliens. He got his AI, one he created himself named ARIEL, to hack into the team's coms.

"Hey, I know you don't know me, but where can I help?" Peter called. His voice had deepened since he had last seen the Avengers, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue for them to hear him.

"To the North," Tony replied, "We are short there."

"Ignore him, we don't need help, newbie." Steve cut in.

Peter decided to ignore Steve and go North, where he promptly saved several lives all while cursing Steve's guts.

Finally, the battle was over and Tony landed next to Peter.

"Hey, thanks for the help. Sorry about Cap. We couldn't have won without you." Tony let his suit retract, giving who he thought was a stranger a small, sad smile.

"No problem." Peter hesitated, then pulled off his mask. "Dad."

Tony's eyes widened and he grasped Peter's head, turning it and examining it until he was satisfied. He burst into tears. "K-Kid."

Peter hugged (This kept autocorrecting to Hughes?) his dad, crying into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, dad. I had to-I had to fake it, or I would have actually done it." Peter sniffed.

"I know, kid. I forgive you. And I am so sorry I didn't stop them. You never should have had to go through that." Tony cradled his son's head, planting kisses in his hair. "I know you are all grown up now, but if you ever want to come home, you are always welcome."

"No, he isn't." Steve growled. Neither of the two men had noticed his appearance, along with the rest of the team.

"Yes, he is." Tony growled.

"No. He doesn't deserve-"

"You know who 'doesn't deserve' things?" Peter interrupted, his eyes blazing in fury. "You. You don't deserve anything. You are a fraud. You aren't even a real Captain, but you think you are better than everyone else."

Tony noted that his son was officially an inch taller than him, but pulled the kid-or adult-down to rest his head on Tony's shoulder. "Don't talk to my kid again, Rodgers. You don't have a say. You are no longer a part of my life. Leave the tower, leave the city, leave. I don't care."

Steve growled, but stomped away, followed by a portion of the team. The rest of the team crowded around Peter and hugged him, apologized, and marveled in the fact that he was alive.

Part Two! I hope that was good! I stopped there because I didn't know what else to do, and I didn't actually re-read part one before I write this, so I didn't want to be too inaccurate.

Anyways, two in a day again. I-I am very bored...


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