Regrowth (request)

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I got all 4s on all 3 of my AP exams! I don't own Marvel, but I thought I failed biology and I didn't, so that's a win.

This was also a request by @obessivereader17 Thanks for all the requests! I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: Bucky x Peter, because why not, but Bucky's deaged a bit because it makes me more comfortable writing it.

Bucky was rubbing the stump where his arm should have been, trying to work out the knots and strain from his prosthetic. It was a newer prosthetic, and while it was much better than his old one, it was taking a bit of getting used to.

"You good, Buck?" Steve asked worriedly. The Avengers were all sitting at the table, eating breakfast or drinking coffee.

"Yeah," Bucky replied as Peter entered the room, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Bucky tracked his movements as he responded, smiling fondly at his crush. "Just getting used to the arm."

Peter smiled at him. "It's weird, isn't it? I remember when I got my arm blown off and I had to get used to the new one. It was so weird." He shuddered slightly, then sipped at his orange juice as he sat down. The kitchen was silent.

"Excuse me?" Clint broke the silence.

"Hm?" Peter looked up, confused.

"You said you got your arm blown off." Bucky supplied, extremely worried about the adorable teen.

Peter's eyes widened and he chuckled awkwardly. "Oh. Yeah, sorry. I'm tired. Forgot I never told you about it."

Everyone was quiet for another few moments before Tony pointed out the obvious. "But you still have an arm."

"Yeah, it grew back." Peter said causally.

When no one responded, Peter continued. "Part of the spider DNA thing, though I'm not sure how. My healing factor is insane. I'm pretty sure I'm mostly immortal, but I'm not ok keen on testing it out."

The second spider DNA came into the equation, everyone shrugged and moved on. They were used I learning new weird things that were a result of the radioactive genetically-modified spider bite. Like the time Peter talked to a spider, or the time he turned invisible. They went with it.


Bucky was once again struggling with his arm. He just couldn't seem to get it to do what he wanted. Peter walked into the gym where he was trying to train with his new prosthetic and noticed his frustration.

"Hey. Take a few deep breaths and start slow." Peter slid up next to him, rubbing a hand soothingly over his metal arm. Bucky was sure he would have goosebumps there if it was possible.

Bucky obeyed Peter's instructions, taking a slow, deep breath and turning back to the weapons rack where he was trying to pick up a gun. Peter softly whispered encouragements as Bucky successfully grabbed the weapon and shot it.

"Thanks Peter." Bucky turned around to see Peter a lot closer than he expected. The slightly shorter boy was only a few inches away. If Bucky leaned down just a bit-he pushed the thought to the back of his mind.

"It's no problem." Peter sounded strangely breathless. "I know sort of how it feels."

Bucky leaned in slightly. "Still, thank you."

Peter just sighed softly, his eyes glancing back and forth between Bucky's eyes and his lips. Slowly, Bucky leaned forward and kissed him.

Peter hummed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Bucky's neck. Bucky slid both of his arms around the teen's waist.


The Avengers didn't question the new relationship, preferring to just coo over it once they announced it.

Peter and Bucky were happy. And the one time Peter got his leg blown off, Bucky helped him get used to it once it grew back.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed!


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