Hammer Industries pt. 2 (request by dif. Person)

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A/N: I got a part in my school's play! But I still don't own Marvel.

Requested by @lovedove06 and @Drarrytododeku4life

Warnings (Is this really a warning? I mean...) : Spideypool,(just assume they are both adults and roughly within 2-3 years of each other.)

Peter was getting annoyed. Tony had not left him alone. In fact, he seemed to be doing everything in his power to bug Peter about coming back to SI.

"Pete..." Tony's voice pleaded through the speakers.

Peter hung up the phone.

"Baby boy...maybe just give him a chance?" Wade wrapped his arms around Peter's waist, and Peter relaxed into his boyfriend's embrace.

"I just- he hurt me so bad, Wade!"

Wade turned Peter around so he was facing him. "I'm not saying you have to go back to SI, just give him a chance. Let him apologize, explain what you are feeling, let him tell you what he was thinking..."

"When did you get so good at feelings?" Peter teased, pressing a chaste kiss to Wade's lips.

"Mmm...since I started hanging around you."

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Tin can!" Wade ran to the door and pulled it open, a cheesy grin on his face.

"Oh. It's you. Is Peter..." Tony shifted in the doorway.

"Yeah." Peter walked up to put his arm around his boyfriend's waist.

"Before you slam the door on me..." Tony started, speaking fast so as to get what he needed to say in before Peter lost his patience.

"Come in."

"What?" Tony cut himself off, looking up at Peter. Since when has he been taller than Tony?

Peter gave his former mentor an awkward grin. "Come in. We can talk, but I'm not promising anything."

Tony hesitantly made his way to the couch. Peter sat across from him, snuggling back into his boyfriend's chest. "So..."

"Oh! Right!" Tony muttered under his breath. "So, um, I just wanted to say sorry. And maybe give you an explanation, even if it's a pretty bad one."

Peter nodded his consent, and Tony continued. "Well, Okay. I'm really sorry. I don't do well with...people. Or emotions. Or really anything having to do with...anything other than machines. So, I started getting close to you- I started caring- and I freaked out and pushed you away. That was stupid of me."

Peter couldn't take it. He was way too soft, and seeing his ex-mentor breaking down on his couch was all it took for him to leap up and give Tony a hug.

"I forgive you."

Tony sobbed into Peter's shoulder at the declaration, and Peter let him.

"I forgive you, but I still am taking over Hammer Industries. Technically, it's already mine." Peter pulled back slightly. "But we could be partners instead of competitors?"

Tony nodded frantically. "I'd like that."

Wade smiled in the background. "I love happy endings. Don't you?" He sent a wink to the readers, leaving Peter with a fond but confused look on his face.


I hope that was okay. I'm probably not doing another part of this, because I don't know where it would go, and figuring this out was hard enough. I hope you liked it though!


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