A/N: read if you messaged me

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Hey! So...I just now managed to find the message function on here, but I can't send messages. (Something about my email, and it's not totally working, so until I figure it out...)

If you requested something over a message, I can see it! I just can't respond yet. I will do all your requests, I just have to do the ones I already have lined up first.

I AM NOT DOING REQUESTS AT THIS POINT!!! I will update again if that changes.

Also, thanks to all the support I've been getting about my writing. I really am self-conscious about it, and I appreciate everyone who has supported me in this. It really helps me keep up the motivation to do this, so thank you all so much!

Until I can figure out this whole message thing on my phone (which barely functions as a phone, so tech issues are a real thing with me) know that you CAN message me, I just won't respond. If I have to turn down a request, I'll write a chapter like this, but so far I'm cool with everything I've been asked to do.

That's it for now! Thanks for being patient, and sorry for the tech issues on my end.


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