Never Have I Ever (request)

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I'm so tired of sitting in this car. I don't even own Marvel. *tiredly sobs*

This was requested by @obessivereader17 I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: college-aged Peter, implied underage drinking, implied sex.

"Seriously? How often do you guys play this?" Peter asked as he settled down on the floor. The Avengers had invited him over to a game night, claiming they never saw him anymore because he was in college. Currently, they were sitting down to play Never Have I Ever with drinks. Peter was still only 20, so he was playing with apple juice per Tony's insistence.

"Usually we play Truth or Dare, but we are switching it up." Tony supplied, giving everyone a shot glass and filling it with their respective drinks.

"Okay. I'll go first." Nat started. "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo."

Peter took a shot of his apple juice, chuckling as he watched everyone's faces. The only other person to take a shot was Clint, but everyone knew that. He had a tattoo of an arrow crossing out a volume sign behind his ear.

"You have a tattoo?" Tony screeched. Peter laughed and took his shirt off, revealing not only his abs, but writing adorning his collarbone.

"With great power comes great responsibility." Peter recited. "I got it after I became Spider-Man to remind me where I came from."

The Avengers nodded slightly, and moved on, still sort of curious about the kid they all thought was super innocent.

"Never have I ever gotten drunk enough to jump off a building." Clint said, staring intently at Natasha. She glared and took a shot, but Tony's eyes were focused on Peter who also took a shot.

"Kid! You're only 20!" He protested. Peter shrugged.

"I'm in college. And don't tell me you didn't drink before you were 21. I won't believe it." Peter raised an eyebrow, and Tony backed down, pouting. Peter laughed.

"Never have I ever jumped out of a plane without a parachute." Peter said, then stopped. "Jumping off a plane doesn't count, because I did that. You had to be in the plane." Tony laughed, glad that Peter wasn't too traumatized by the homecoming events of a few years before.

Steve took a shot, and Bucky glared at him. "Idiot." He grumbled.

"Never have I ever had sex with someone of the same gender." Bruce called.

Steve and Bucky took shots, Steve blushing furiously and Bucky refusing to look at him. Once again, Peter took a shot and stole the attention of the couple, who were grateful for the distraction.

"I'm done." Tony walked away, muttering about his sweet innocent boy and how college is corrupting him. Peter laughed.

After the game, Nat approached Peter.

"You aren't as innocent as we all thought." She said.

Peter shrugged. "Guess you underestimated me." He walked away.

The End.

I hope your enjoyed! If I spelled something wrong, please tell me, because I'm writing this in the car and it's bumpy and I kept clicking the wrong buttons.


Peter Parker Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें