First Impressions

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A/N: One of these days I'll stop doing this. Today, though...I don't own Marvel.

I still have requests coming, but I published these to get rid of the drafts. :)

Warnings: super short, but ya know...

Peter nervously shifted on his feet. He was at Stark Towers, waiting for an interview with THE Tony Stark. Supposedly, Peter's application for an internship caught his eye and he wants to see if Peter would be a good helper in his personal lab.

Tony Stark's Personal Lab!

Peter fiddled with the bottom of his science pun t-shirt ([He] [He] [He] = laughing gas).

"Okay, Peter. You can go on in." Miss Potts smiled gently at Peter, ushering him to the door.

"Thank you, Miss Potts." Peter grinned shyly at the CEO of Stark Industries.

"It's no problem, Peter." Miss Potts waved goodbye and left to go to her own office.

Peter took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey! Peter, right?" Tony Stark- THE Tony Stark!!!- smiled at Peter as he walked in.

"Uh-Umm. Yes, sir." Peter blushed slightly, and gave his hero a small smile.

"Awesome. Come sit down, kid. Want a drink? Soda, juice, water?" Tony gently walked behind Peter and pushed him towards a chair.

"No thank you, Dr. Stark."

Tony froze. No one ever remembers his doctorates. He didn't expect a 15 year old to be the first one.

"You're hired."

So yeah. That was bad, but I wrote and published it anyways. As a side-note, I wrote this a long time ago and didn't actually publish it until now. I feel like my writing style has changed a little bit, but I can't tell. What do you think?


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