The readers know... (request)

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I've totally lost track of the timing of requests, but summer is starting, so I'll be on them soon, I just don't know when. I might do a more recent request before one from a while ago just cause I got confused. On an entirely unrelated note, I don't own Marvel.

This was requested by somebody, I think...but I've lost the name. Sorry! I hope you enjoy, whoever you are!!!

Warnings: Bullying, Language, like one mention of possible Homophobia, Deadpool (and thus fourth wall breaks), Spideypool (assume they are close in age).

Peter wasn't sure who was more upset about the upcoming field trip: him or... Nevermind. He knew who was more upset.

Peter buried his face in his hands and groaned. He loved his job, and he loved Wade, and he loved school oddly enough, but he did not love the combination of the three. A field trip at Stark Towers —on the one day a month that Wade visits, nonetheless— was just asking for trouble.

Ned attempted a sympathetic look, but it was mostly ruined by the excitement that was clearly visible all over his face. "I mean, I'm sorry for your luck, bro, but...STARK TOWERS!"

Peter glanced up, unfortunately right as the bus screeched to a stop, jolting him forwards. "Ugh."

Ned laughed, giddy with anticipation for the field trip. The rest of the decathlon team huddled around windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of the incredible building, even though they were all well aware they were in a parking garage and would be walking a block over to actually get to the tower.

Just then, Peter received a text.

Hey bby! XOXOXO

Pls no
I just want a normal trip
Mr Stark is bad enough

No can do bby boy
It is my duty to bother you
And the readers would be disappointed if I didn't

Peter sighed and put his phone away. It was worth a try.

"Okay, everyone! Look up here please!" Mr. Harrington did a quick headcount, doubling back over when he lost count because Flash ducked his head behind the bus seat. "I think we have everyone. Can't lose another student on a field trip. Don't want to do that paperwork..."

The team was quiet. No one ever quite got used to Mr. Harrington's declarations of losing another student. No one had confirmed whether it really did or did not happen.

"Anyways, we have to walk for a bit, but you are all responsible-ish high schoolers, so I expect you to stay with the group. Let's go."

The students filed off the bus, chatting happily to one another. After a few minutes, they ended up in front of Stark Towers. Once Betty and Cindy had gotten their fill of pictures, the group made their way into the building, Peter following along in the very back.

"Hi! Midtown High?" A cheery intern named Tracy —Peter had worked with her before— greeted them as soon as they stepped inside.

"That would be us!" Mr. Harrington replied. He quickly double checked that he had everyone, and then confirmed the group with the intern. While this was happening, Peter was frantically searching through his bag. He knew he brought his pass, he clearly remembered putting it in his bag this morning, but he couldn't find it.

"Looking for this?"

"Wade!" Peter glanced around and quickly snatched his pass from his boyfriend. He stepped closer to the group, pretending to listen as the intern explained the history of Stark Towers.

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