Biological Twins (request)

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Previously on Peter Parker Oneshots: "I don't own..."


Thanks for the participation guys! I was so happy to see people actually humoring me. :) ☺️

This was a request, but I'm not sure from whom. I just found a post-it note that said "Bio Son!" And then another that said "12 year old Harley and Peter twins; Barton kids," So that's what I'm doing, I guess. I am way too disorganized for this... Those might have been two separate requests, but I'm so confused, and so I mushed them together. If those were separate requests, skip to the part titled 'READ THIS!! IT'S IMPORTANT!!' And comment the request there, please. :) I'm sorry I'm a mess. 😂😂😂

Warnings: Inaccuracies. About a lot of things. Sorry.

"Are we almost there, Dad?" Harley whined. Peter was asleep on his older twin's shoulder, and the 12 year old's arm was falling asleep. He loved his younger twin-they were best friends-but he also wanted to be able to feel his fingers.

"Almost, kid." Tony glanced at Clint to confirm. After all, it was his safe house they were going to. "I can take Peter if you want."

Harley gladly agreed, letting his Dad take his twin.

A few minutes later, they arrived. Harley set to waking his younger twin up by poking his cheek. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

"Harleeeey..." Peter groaned, swatting his brother's hand away.

"We are here! Dad's outside saying hello. He said to come outside when you woke up." Harley said. He grabbed his brother's arm and dragged the still sleepy boy off the jet.

"Harley! Peter!" Tony called. "Come here. Say hello."

Harley dragged Peter over, and said hello.

"This is Cooper. He just turned 13. Lila here is 10, and little Nate is 2." Tony introduced. "Barton kids, this is Harley and Peter. They are 12."

"We're twins!" Harley added helpfully.

"Hi Nate!" Peter grinned, playing with the toddler who giggled at the affection.

"Would you like to hold him?" A pretty woman knelt down next to Peter as Harley started chattering away to the older two Barton kids.

"Yes please, Mrs-"

"Call me Laura, hun." Laura picked up Nate and handed him to Peter gently, showing the boy how to hold the toddler on his hip so he wouldn't get hurt.

"Thank you, Mrs. Laura!" Peter grinned brightly, showing off a gap in his lower front teeth, where he had just recently lost a tooth. Harley had already lost most of his teeth, but Peter still had a few to go.

Laura smiled and took Nate back when Peter got tired. He turned to find Harley, and ran to join his brother.

"Hello! I'm Peter." Peter waved.

Harley gently shoved his brother. "They know that."

"Oh, right." Peter blushed. Cooper laughed and Lila shook Peter's hand enthusiastically.

A few hours later, and the four were caught up in an intense game of hide and seek when Tony came up from behind the twins. They were hiding together in some bushes, hoping Cooper wouldn't find them. They always hid together when they played.

"Whatcha doing, kiddos?" Tony asked in a hushed voice, crouching down next to his twins.

"Hide and seek! Cooper's it." Harley replied.

"We have to be quiet." Peter whispered.

"Oh. Okay. Well, when you get found, tell Cooper its time for dinner and come inside, okay?" Tony smiled softly at his boys. He never regretted having them, even if their mother wasn't the best person. He loved his boys, and took custody of them as soon as he could to get them away from their mom. She didn't want them, but Tony would do anything for them.

The twins agreed, and Tony left. Lila joined them a minute later. "I got found." She sulked.

"Sorry, Lila." Peter hugged the girl.

"Be quiet! Cooper is-" Harley tried to say.

"THEY ARE OVER HERE!" Lila yelled and giggled as she ran away.

"LILA!" The twins yelled in unison. They caught up to the Bartons and poured at Lila for being a traitor. They headed in for dinner.

Later that night, Peter and Harley were up talking to each other.

"I'm tired, Harles." Peter yawned.

"Me too." Harley said.



"Goodnight, boys." Tony whispered from the doorway, coming in to tuck his boys up and kiss them on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Dad."

The End.

Sorry that this was probably very inaccurate. I didn't have the energy to fact-check this...


Peter Parker OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora