Arm Wrestle

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A/N: I don't own Marvel. I wish I did though.

A/N: (again): so, I suck. I am just really stuck in a weird writing spot right now where I want to write but I can't. Probably sleep deprivation...but anyways. This is something I wrote a long time ago. Just because I realized I haven't posted anything in almost a month. ...sorry. Requests are still coming as soon as I them. I don't know how much sense this makes because, like I said, sleep deprivation. I'm going to sleep (hopefully) right after I post this though.

Warnings: injuries.

"Stevie, I swear. He is way too strong for his own good." Bucky was trying to convince Steve that Peter, who had just been revealed as Spider-Man to them a week ago, was stronger than Captain America.

"Bucky. Have you seen the kid? Sure, he's stronger than the average 15 year old, but I doubt he's that strong." Steve didn't believe a word about what Bucky was saying. No way could a kid be strong enough to left a building, no matter what he told them. "The kid was probably just trying to impress us with that story."

"I don't think so, Stevie. He stopped my metal arm. Not just anyone can do that." Bucky smirked. "Bet he could beat you in an arm wrestle."

Steve grinned at his friend. He loved arm wrestling, even as an asthmatic kid who never won. "It's on. Go get the kid."

Peter came in moments later, and Bucky settled him down in front of Steve.

"Okay. Here's the deal. Use your full strength. Both of you." Bucky held their hands in the center of the table as he talked.

"Okay. Mr. Bucky Barnes, Sir." Peter figured Steve could take his full strength, being a super-Soldier and all that. Plus, Peter had broken his wrist and it was still healing, so he couldn't do too much damage to Steve at the moment.


Steve tried. He really did. He pushed on the kid's arm as hard as he could, but to no success. Steve's arm was heading towards the table at a steady pace. Finally, his arm hit the table with a loud cracking noise. The table collapsed and Steve pulled his arm away, gently caressing the now broken hand.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry! I thought...I mean my arm is still healing and I thought you could take it. Sorry!" Peter rushed out, wringing his hands as he surveyed the damage.

"Told ya." Bucky smirked.

Of course my sweet cinnamon roll could kill you, he just won't. And that's why I love him. <3

Now I am going to sleep. Maybe then I'll be able to think properly. (Probably not though. 😂😂😂)


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