Nerds (request)

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That extra awkward moment where you actually typed the Russian wrong in the last fanfic because you knew it was the one that looked like an 'n', but there were two possibilities and with a 50/50 chance you chose the wrong one and someone corrected you...thanks @Hail_fucking_Hydra! 😂😂😂This is the reason why I don't own Marvel.

This was a request by TBSAAHAY123 I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: inaccurate science.

Peter was well-known as a nerd. Most people only had to talk to him for a few minutes before correctly pegging him as a nerd. His friend Ned was a nerd, too. This was good, because nerds need at least one nerd friend to talk about nerd things with. MJ was not a nerd, so they couldn't talk to her about their nerdy hobbies and ideas. She wouldn't understand.

"Star Wars is definitely better than Star Trek." Ned was saying.

"No," Peter said. "You don't understand. They aren't even comparable. They are two entirely different things. It's like comparing apples to a brick wall." Peter punctuated this with rapid hand motions. "I like both, but for different reasons."

Ned shook his head disappointedly. "I just can't with you."

Peter sighed. "Look. How about we change the subject?"

MJ watched this short argument with amusement. This happened at least once a week. It always ended with Peter changing the subject because he didn't want to lose Ned's friendship over Star Trek.

"Fine. How did you solve that extra credit balancing equations problems for chemistry?" Ned asked.

"Oh! That was so fun!" Peter exclaimed. MJ doubted anyone other than Peter would have called balancing chemical equations fun. "You have to start with 6 O2s..."

While Peter and Ned rambled and brainstormed ideas about chemistry and physics and mechanics, MJ discreetly took a photo. She put it in the album on her phone labeled 'nerds'.


The kid had invited Ted over to the tower. Tony was okay with this, although he didn't realize the kid was such a nerd. There was nothing wrong with that, of course. Tony was a nerd himself when he was younger.

"Look the idea of a multiverse changers everything. We have to re-evaluate how time and space relate, not to mention how free will is possible." Ted-Ned?-explained.

"Okay," Peter agreed, "but if you are willing to re-evaluate, which all scientists should be, then it isn't impossible."

Tony was momentarily struck with a great urge to speak up and add his opinion, but he settled for having FRIDAY take pictures and place them in his 'Underoos' folder.

The End.

I wasn't totally sure where to go with this, so it's kind of short and doesn't have much of a plot, but I hope you enjoyed!


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