What's Wrong, Spidey? (request)

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Can you guess what I'm going to say here? I don't own Marvel.

This was a request by @FenrirWolfe14753. I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, reckless endangerment, mentions and possible descriptions of poverty.

May had died 153 days, 14 hours, 17 minutes and 5-6-7 seconds ago. Peter knew because he had stopped Ben's old watch at the exact second May was declared dead. It became a constant reminder of the closest things he had to parents. For about 153 days, 14 hours, 17 minutes and 15-16-17 seconds, he had been running from the CPS.

He had dropped out of Midtown and finished his high school degree online when May got sick so he could work during school hours to pay for the medical bills. He had lost touch with his friends, constantly busy and never free when they were.

He was lonely.

No one knew May had died. Peter hadn't told Tony, and since he wasn't close enough to the adult Parker, he wasn't notified by anyone else of her death.

He knew he was acting different since her death. He'd gotten reckless and impulsive during patrols, conveniently scheduled around school times so the Avengers would still think he was in school.

Peter glanced at the working watch directly below Ben's old one. 4:15. He should probably head to the tower.

Peter cleaned himself up as best as he could in the public restrooms and swing to the tower, already putting on a fake smile.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" He shouted as he entered the tower from a window in the lab.

"Hey, kid!" Tony shouted from underneath a car. He pulled himself out and smiled at Peter, a streak of oil across his forehead and his hair in a very un-Tony-Stark-ish mess. Peter smiled back, thinking that sometimes, Tony was the only thing that kept him going.

"Come join me. She's a mess, but she's beautiful. A little work, and I can promise she'll be the best on the block." Tony gestured to the open hood of the car and Peter dived in, glad for any distraction.

Hours passed comfortably in the lab. At 10:00, Tony glanced at the digital clock on the wall and cursed. "Sorry, kid. Your Aunt is going to kill me. I'll call her and tell her you're staying the night."

"No need!" Peter panicked. "I-Umm-I can text her. She has a night shift, so she won't have her phone on her."

Tony nodded approvingly and started to clean up. Peter pulled out his phone, aiming the screen carefully away from both Tony and FRIDAY's cameras, and pretended to type. "Okay. She'll see it later tonight."

"Great, kid. Why don't you get cleaned up and we'll watch a movie?"

Peter grinned. He was probably way too excited to take a shower, but that's what happens when you live on the street, running from CPS.

Once cleaned, Peter joined Tony on the couch and binged watched Star Wars with him. Only halfway through The Empire Strikes Back, Tony turned to Peter and asked softly, "Is everything okay? You've been a bit off lately."

Peter stiffened. He forced himself not to cry. It had been over 5 months since May died, but he still wanted to cry every time he thought of her. "I'm fine."

"Peter, you can tell me anything-"

"I'm fine, Tony. Please, can we just watch the movie?"

Peter's pleading voice and use of his first name convinced Tony to back off for now, but he was determined to help his kid however he could.

Peter Parker OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora