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I'm going on vacation tomorrow, so updates will either be really fast or really slow. Be prepared. Also...I don't own Marvel.

This was a request by @OldTownThanos I hope you enjoy!

Warnings: Flash x Peter and REDEMPTION!! Also, serious medical inaccuracies.

Peter had two options. See, he was currently bleeding out on a rooftop. Specifically, it was Flash Thompson's rooftop. None of the Thompsons knew he was there. Normally, he would have Karen call Tony, but the suit was damaged in the fight that had led to him dying on Flash's roof, so he had to use his other options.

Option number one: yell for help and hope a Thompson comes to save him.

Honestly, Peter wasn't very fond of that idea. He didn't like the Thompsons, and they didn't like him.

Option number two: die.

This was looking pretty favorable, and extremely likely. It was definitely a top choice.

Peter sighed. He knew Tony would be mad if he died, but then again...if he died, he wouldn't have to go to school. With his mind made up—knowing his healing factor would probably kick in and not actually let him die before someone noticed him in his bright blue and red costume on a random roof in a rich neighborhood—he closed his eyes.

"Spider-Man?" Flash's familiar voice called out. Peter groaned. Guess he was forced into option one.

"Uh, hey dude." Peter grimaced.

"Are—are you okay?" Flash was standing on the sidewalk, calling up to Peter who was just laying casually on the roof.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just a bullet wound. It'll heal eventually. Or not." Peter shrugged, his mask making it extremely hard for Flash to tell if he was joking.

"Ummm...I mean, can you get down from there? I could help with the...bullet wound." Flash shifted nervously on the sidewalk as the lenses on Spidey's mask analyzed him.

Peter sighed. "Yeah. I guess. Probably better to not die."

Flash chuckled awkwardly. Peter rolled off the edge of the building and Flash caught him in a bridal style carry.

Peter smiled goofily at him through the mask. The blood loss might be getting to him. "Hey! Thanks for the catch! That was nice." He mumbled.

Flash carried him into the house, worried that his hero was so light and easy to carry. "I'm going to put you on the couch and get some stuff to patch you up, okay?"

Peter just hummed lightly.

When Flash came back with the medical supplies, he was shocked to see Spider-Man pulling his mask off.

"Wait! You don't have to—" Flash stopped when the face of his long time crush and victim was revealed. Peter's eyes were mostly closed, and he raised a gloved hand to rub at them.

"You're fixing me—I have a c-consiun 'cause I hit my head." Peter slurred.

"When—where did you hit your head?" Flash ignored all the implications of what was happening to focus on the injured hero.

"Now!" Peter grinned loopily. "You're ceiling is hard." He giggled.

Flash hurried to the other teen. He was obviously not in good shape. He quickly fixed up the bullet wound—it had gone all the way through his shoulder and it was already starting to heal—and checked for a concussion. When it was clear that he only had a mild one at most and the weird speech was a result of blood loss, Flash relaxed.

"Okay Pe—Spi—Okay." Flash gave up on a name. He wasn't sure how aware Peter was, and if he called him something he didn't expect, the teen would probably freak out because of his secret identity. "You might have a concussion, and I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to sleep too long when you have those, so you can take an hour long nap and then I'll check up on you."

Peter was already fast asleep, snoring softly. Flash couldn't help but notice that it wasn't one of those loud annoying snores that sounds like a plane engine, but was more like a kitten purring. It was a cute snore. He shook his head and walked away to set an alarm for an hour.


An hour later, Flash gently shook Peter awake. The boy blinked tiredly up at him, then his eyes went wide and he shot up, barely missing Flash's nose.

"Flash?" Peter raised a hand to his face and realized he wasn't wearing a mask. "Noooooo..." he mumbled and hid his face in his hands.

"Hey. It's okay. I'm not going to tell anyone." Flash comforted.

Peter peeked out at Flash between his fingers. "Really? Why?"

Flash sighed. "Yes. And for lots of reasons. Reasons like—you're Spider-Man! It's the right thing to do. And ones like—I owe it to you for being a huge jerk, which I am really sorry for." Flash frowned at Peter. "I was taking out my abandonment issues and my fear of being outed as—you know what?!??" Flash suddenly stopped, his eyes going wide. "I think you probably need a drink or something." He rushed out of the room.

He came back with 3 bottles of water in each of his hands, balancing them awkwardly between his fingers.

"That's—that's a lot of water." Peter said softly.

"Yeah." Flash blushed lightly. "I don't know."

Peter laughed softly. "Thank you for fixing me up. I should be good in a few minutes. I have a healing factor." Peter said after a few moments of silence.

"It was no problem. I—I want to be a doctor. You know...do good things, change the world." Flash was staring at his feet as if they had told him he was going to be president. Peter waved a hand in front of his face, causing him to look up.

"That's pretty cool." Peter smiled.

"Thanks." Flash sighed.

There were another few moments of silence, then Flash spoke up. "I really am sorry. Can we have...a truce or something?"

Peter studied him for a minute. "That depends on what you were gonna say before you got the water." He smiled encouragingly, letting Flash know that Peter wasn't going to flip out.

"I—I didn't want people to know I was gay and had a crush on you, so if I bullied you, I thought less people would think that." Flash was staring at his shoes again, this time as if they had both betrayed him in awful and unimaginable ways.

Peter grinned. "Well, that's good!"

Flash looked up in shock as Peter continued.

"I'll have to take you up on the 'or something.'" He leaned in and softly pressed his lips to Flash's. Flash kissed back as soon as he got over the shock, quickly taking over.

When they broke apart, Peter smiled at Flash. "So. New start. Be a good boyfriend, and I'll forgive you."

Flash nodded quickly. "It's more than I thought I could ask for. Thank you, Peter."

"You're welcome, Eugene."


"You two are sickening." MJ deadpanned.

Peter gave her an adorable smirk, leaning further back into his boyfriend's embrace. Flash wrapped his arms around Peter's waist. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Ned stared at them. "I do. I know what she's talking about."

The End.

I hope you enjoyed!


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