ScarletSpider (request)

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I didn't have cell service for the past few days because we went camping in the middle of nowhere, apparently. So, to check in, I still don't own Marvel.

This was a request by TBSAAHAY123 I hope you like it!!

Warnings: I'm pretty sure there's nothing.

When he was told he would be meeting the Avengers, he hadn't expected to fall in love.

The Rogue Avengers had been pardoned and both sides apologized for where they went wrong. Peter had been invited by Tony to meet the Avengers a few weeks after.

When he arrived at the tower, Tony immediately placed his arm over Peter's shoulders and steered him to the elevator.

"Okay. So, today you are going to meet Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda. The others you can meet another day if you haven't already met them." Tony explained.

Peter nodded, thinking about what he knew of the four. Steve was Captain America, Bucky was his best friend and the Winter Soldier, Sam was the falcon, Wanda was the girl who was around his age with the red magic. He thinks she's called the Scarlet Witch.

The elevator door opened, and Peter's breath caught in his throat. Waiting in the living room was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He shook his head slightly and went to introduce himself.

"Hi. I'm Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man." He held his hand out, hoping it wasn't shaking too bad, and internally congratulating himself for the stellar introduction.

"I'm Wanda Maximoff." The girl replied, her words laced with a strong accent.

Peter tore his eyes away from the beautiful girl-Wanda, he reminded himself-and introduced himself to the other Avengers.

Later that day, Peter approached Wanda nervously.

"Ummm. Hi. I know you don't really know me that well, but I was hoping-I mean, we are close in age, and-wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?"

Wanda frowned slightly, her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "I'm sorry. English is not my first language, and that was very hard to understand. Could you repeat it, please, Peter?"

Peter blushed hard. "Umm. Yeah. I just wanted to know whether you wanted to go on a date with me."

Wanda smiled brightly once she understood. "I would love to."

Peter sighed in relief and sent the girl one of his world-famous smiles.


Years later, Peter paced nervously around the tower in front of Tony.

"What if she says no?" He mused.

Tony laughed. "You've been dating since you were 16. You're 21 now. That's five whole years, kid. If she can put up with you that long, I'm positive she'll say yes."

Peter sent his father-figure a dirty look, but straightened up as Wanda walked in. Peter had been planning this for a year. He knew she would want to do this in front of family, so he had called the Avengers to wait on the rooftop.

"Hey, darling." He greeted his girlfriend as Tony left to go to the roof. "I have a surprise for you."

Wanda grabbed his hand. "Lead the way, love."

Peter pulled her up to the rooftop, and situated her in front of the other Avengers. Wanda looked around and laughed nervously. "What's going on, love?"

Peter, while Wanda was looking away, dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring. When the Scarlet Witch turned back to him, she gasped and threw her hands up to her mouth.

"Wanda Maximoff, I've been in love with you since the day we met, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you-"

"YES!" Wanda interrupted. Peter laughed, and slipped the ring onto her finger. He pulled his now-fiancé into a hug, swinging her around happily.

The couple were congratulated several times.

They had their wedding in the winter, and it was a beautiful ceremony. Tony would never admit it, but he cried.

The End.

Hope you enjoyed!


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