"What the...."

I slowly brought my hand down to my gaze.


I screamed without thinking, but quickly quieted myself, so I wouldn't alert the night guards and send half the base running for their gear, but the scream was still loud enough to hit Cybertronian ears.

You see, during the night the 'bots have their audios tuned to their highest settings, just in case if they hear anything unusual while they're in recharge.

I covered my mouth to prevent any other noises coming out and tried to take deep breaths, but that didn't work for me at the moment.

You wanna know why?

My freakin servos are metal! Servo? I meant hands! What in the name of Primus is going on?!?!

My entire arms were metal! So was the rest of my body!

I was totally confused!

And Cybertronian!


I whipped my head around to an angry Prowl and his charging blaster. I held my hands up as the head of the blaster came closer to my face. "Prowl-"

"Who are you?!"

"Prowl it's-"

"Who the slag is this?"

Ironhide appeared by Prowl's side, Ratchet, and dad following seconds after. "What are you doing here?!"

"Who are you?!"

All got into fighting stances and revealed their weapons, ready for combat. "Wait-"

"It's another femme!"

"State your designation!" Prowl demanded. I stepped back a bit, aware of the circle they had formed around me to prevent me from escaping. Not that I had any intention to.

"It's me!" I squeaked when Ratchet stepped closer almost like he was more curious than alert.

"This femme sounds an awful lot like Liza." Ratchet stated.

Everyone eased their stance at that.

"Now that you mention it, she kinda does."

My dad stepped forward as he removed his battle mask. "Tell me femme. What is your name?"

"Dad it's me!" I told him, desperately wanting them to believe me. "I swear it's me...Liza!"

"Primus." I heard Ratchet gasp. "It is her!"

"Yes!" I nodded my head frantically with my hands still up.

"I need proof!" Ironhide exclaimed, taking a step forward.

Out of fear, I fell backwards onto my bottom and held my hands out defensively. "Please don't hurt me, Hide!" I closed my optics, praying to Primus to not be attacked.

"You know my name? Primus it is you!"

"Liza? What happened to you?"

I slowly opened my optics..I mean eyes! The commotion had gathered night guards and other soldiers along with the rest of the 'bots.

"Who dat?" I heard Jazz question.

"It is Liza....somehow." Prowl answered his sparkmate.


I looked up at the worried optics of the black mech in front of me. He took another step forward, causing me to squeak in fear. "I'm not going to hurt you." Ironhide reassured. Trusting his words, I dropped my arms and allowed him to slip his servos...I mean hands, under my arms and lift me to my pedes...oh Primus! Feet!

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