
"Also-" A faint beep sounded, causing Ratchet to pause in his sentence. He reached up and placed two fingers behind his ear, "Hold on.  What is it Sunstreaker?"

I held my tongue, watching the expression on Ratchet's face slowly turn into a look of irritation, as he listened to Sunstreaker on the other side of the comm link. "For Primus Sake. You two can't go one day without getting yourselves slagged! I...I don't care! I'll be in the Med Bay in a few Earth minutes......and don't touch anything in my Med Bay!"

With an irritated huff, he removed his fingers from his ear, ending the link. "I'm sorry, some idiot twins decided to play a prank and get themselves slagged."

"Who did they prank this time?"

"Their target was Prowl, but Ironhide somehow got involved in it. They claim it was an accident."

"What'd they do?"

"I don't know."


A loud explosion rocked a small part of the base. Instantly, I gripped onto Ratchet, fearing it was an attack until:


Multiple heavy set footsteps ran past my room on down the hall. That's when I realized that it was just probably the twins running from their pranked victims. I relaxed and released my grip.

"...I do know that it pissed both of them off."

"Wait, I thought Ironhide was supposed to be resting."

"I thought so too, but I guess the stubborn rust bucket decided to ignore me and go on his own," Ratchet rolled his eyes and huffed. "Looks like I'm gonna have to deal with two angry mechs and fix another two."

Ratchet left my side and made his way over towards the door. "Do you need anything else, before I go? It might be a while before I get back."

I looked up in thought, pondering my needs and wants. I already ate. What else? A change of clothes would be nice, but I could change into my own clothes myself. Maybe...oooo

I hummed in satisfaction at the thought of a hot nice bubble bath. I was unable to bath for the past few days, because of my injuries and...I was in Egypt and didn't have the time to do so when Cons were chasing after us.

I couldn't wait to just soak in some nice warm water.

"Am I able to take a bath?"

Ratchet stood there silently before speaking again. "I suppose. I can change your bandages when I get back. I'll have Bumblebee come help you."

"I don't need help bathing!"

"No, I mean I want him here to make sure you don't hurt yourself anymore."

"Oh..." I giggled.

Ratchet shook his head, mumbling something under his breath, as he left the room.

As soon as the door closed, I slid off the bed and entered my private bathroom, flicking on the light. Remembering a few days ago, the twins pranked me with a glitter bomb, covering most of the bathroom with glitter, including me.

I was surprised to see it all cleaned up and spotless. I began to wonder who decided to clean it all up, but didn't pay too much mind about it and went to turn on the water. I adjusted the water, so it wasn't too hot nor cold, before grabbing a bottle off the the rack and adding bubble liquid to the running water.

I went to grab a towel out the closet until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called from the bathroom. The door opened and two pairs of footsteps entered.

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