Chapter 19: Mermaid Paranoia! Part 3

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         First Uploaded: March 2014 Dates updated: January or February 2018; October 31, 2019; Feb. 2, 2020 10AM)

             Moments later, Kleodora swims through the underwater territories of Poseidon's Kingdom and she makes it to Poseidon's Lair of Treasures. She stares at it for a moment, hesitant of going in. She got past everyone in the Village. But it's only because she used the little power she has left and disguised herself as a mermaid. With normal-looking skin, blonde hair, and dark green eyes. She couldn't go too far from her characteristics or else she'd probably pass out or lose ALL of her power for good. She didn't know which because Poseidon wasn't kind enough to tell her any of that. He only told her she had very little power and to not use it often or she'd suffer consequences. She only came up with the theory on her own through past experiences. 

             She rolls her eyes and shakes off her doubt. Kloedora glides into the 'Cave of Wonders', which is what some people called it. She thought they sounded like illiterate fools. Mermaids have lairs, not caves and it was full of treasures, not wonders. Although, only Poseidon's lovers have been inside. So they are just stating what they don't know. Kloedora laughs sardonically at their lack of knowledge. Every Mer-Folk has a class during Mer-School about Poseidon's Treasure's and it mentions his place that keeps the treasures is a lair. It's technically an underwater cave, much like a lot of Mer-Folk dwellings. But their kind doesn't call them caves. The definition of 'lair', is a secret or private place in which a person seeks concealment or seclusion. Poseidon's holding for his treasures is exactly that.  

        Since Kleodora has little to no power left, she can still breathe through her gills on her neck and stomach underwater, but she doesn't have the privilege to speak underwater. Kleodora silently judges the other Mer-Folk. "Mer-Folk claims that some humans are ignorant." She lets a 'psst' sound out of her mouth, causing some bubbles to form around her. "But they can be just as ignorant." 

               She scratches her right arm consistently, that she draws blood. She looks at her arm as the red liquid flows out of her arm and mixes with the water. She winces, gently rubbing the fin on her arm. She must have been allergic to one of the corals she rubbed up against as she was swimming in the Great Berrier Reef days ago. Her arm has been itching her nonstop, but she's been ignoring it. At least she thought she was ignoring it. Apparently she's been digging at her arm and not noticing. She rolls her eyes. She looks around Poseidon's empty Lair trying to find any type of potion or salve or whatever else that could heal her infection. She normally heals quick, as do other Mer-Folk, but she has little power and strength, so she can't be sure it'll happen. She swims around from shelve to shelve full of relics, potions, salves, shells, and items from humans, Elves, Dwarfs, and Fairies. 

             Poseidon was sure to collect anything he could from the Fairies, Elves, and Dwarfs before the wars on Moanie Island started. After the wars between each race, Moana and Maui helped Poseidon gather Gems, Minerals, Stones, and Shells from Moanie island to take back to his Kingdom. During the 40-60 years of non-humans ruling Moanie; Poseidon and a few of his family and servants accepted Moanie and Maui's invitation to the Island to help each race come together to create a new Kingdom called "United Nations of Moanie". Poseidon found out once he arrived on Moanie, that Kleodora was one of the Siren's who was trying to change her life around by helping Moanie and Maui. So he stepped down as chief of Moanie island and put Kleo in charge of helping Maui and Moana keep the Island at peace. It was the closest she'd get to be Queen of anything. Kleodora accepted the role and Poseidon left and took his Kingdom over. While away, he left his Kingdom in charge of their Queen, Amphitrite, his wife. 

               Kleodora surveys the lair. Unsuccessful looking on each shelve, she opens each chest and searches for something to heal her. A growl lets out of her mouth, forming small ripples in the water. She rolls her eyes. "I don't understand! Poseidon has many potions for healing! Where are they!" She angrily thinks. She looks to the right of her at the clear crystal ball on its stand. She can ask the Crystal Ball where they are. Poseidon's viewfinder will know everything about his treasures. She swims up to the stand. She can tell his Crystal Ball hasn't been used recently because it's clear. It's usually a milky white when it's been used recently. "Poseidon's maiden, Kleodora here." She uses the only power that won't drain energy and telepathically communicates to the Crystal Ball. 

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