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I have 9 drafts...

But those don't seem to be getting done anytime soon. So here's a short one. Ky's here. Because I love her. You can pry her out of my cold dead arms. 

set in season 2.


Thunderstorms were never a pleasant thing for the crew of the Ghost.  Sure, it didn't bother all of them, but the ones it did bother, it tore them apart. 

Kanan Jarrus knew that, especially after being aboard the vessel for multiple years now. He understood which members suffered the most during storms, and which ones were okay. Which ones were meant to take care of the ones they loved. He walked out of his cabin where he had been meditating, heading to the room across from his. The door opened before he pressed a button, he smiled his best at Ky, who was heading to Zeb and Ezra's room as she usually did. The storms never bothered her more than just keeping her awake due to noise. There wasn't a reason for them to bother her, if anything had happened to her relating to storm in the past, she wouldn't remember it. 

She smiled her best at him, as she walked down the hall. Ezra was most likely getting up, to go take care of Sabine- who suffered the most during storms. 

Hera was sitting on the edge of her bed, looking up to the Jedi. He smiled a warm, comforting smile, sitting besides her. 

"Hey..." He muttered, wrapping an arm around her. 

"Hey." She let out a shaky breath, leaning against him. He knew, well, he understood her pain from the storms. It had something to due with her parents, which was always a sore topic for her. He could see as she fidgeted with her hands, trying not to focus on the loud bang and crash of thunder. 

"It's alright," he rubbed her arm, "easy." She looked up to him, nodding after a moment. He held her close, not saying much to her. She only needed him there, and that was enough. 

"The kids okay?" she asked, changing the subject. He nodded, 

"Ezra's with Sabine, Zeb's got Ky."

"Good," she sighed, "good."

"You okay?"

She paused, then nodded, "I will be, once the storm's over."

"I know," he gave her hand a small squeeze, "I'm right here until it is." 

She smiled a small smile at him, squeezing his hand back. 

"I don't know what'd I do without you."

"You'd probably of conquered the galaxy by now." He joked, trying to lighten the mood. She smiled, letting out a soft chuckle, 

"No," she responded, "I can't do that with out you."


"Couldn't sleep?" Zeb looked over to Ky from where he was sitting. 

She shook her head as she sat behind him, leaning on the wall to one end of his bunk. 

"My mom can't stand rain-storms."

"It's a thunderstorm, kid," he corrected her, "it's different then a normal rain-storm."

"Oh..." she muttered, looking down, "I don't understand what scares her."

"It's similar to why Sabine get's scared of them," he sighed, explaining it to the best of his ability, "something happened to both of them in the past, and storms... bring back bad memories."

She nodded, sitting cross-legged, "Does it happen to everyone?"

"Yes, and no," he replied, "different things can happen, and different things cause people to be scared or angry or upset."

"Like you and those weapons," she mumbled, but frowned when she noticed that she upset him, "sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"It's alright, you didn't know any better."

"Are you sure?"

He smiled his best, looking to her, "I'm sure."

"How long do thunderstorms last?"

"It's different on every planet, but their usually no longer than an hour on Lothal."

She nodded, "My mom's okay, right? And Sabine?"

He placed a hand on her arm, "They're alright, kid."


There was another loud bang of thunder, making Sabine jump in her seat. Ezra frowned, holding her hand a little tighter than before. 

"Hey it's okay." He softly told her. She looked over to him, although the rain hitting the top of the ghost was not helping her nerves. She gulped, closing her eyes and putting her head in her hands. 

"You don't have to be in here with me."

"Yes I do," he responded, "I know storms bother you, and you shouldn't have to be alone during them." She tried to smile at his words, but thunder kept her from doing so. She jumped again, closing her eyes tightly, which caused a few tears to fall from her face. 

She whispered to herself, "You aren't there. You're on Lothal."

She bit her lip, Ezra was surprised she didn't draw any blood. He frowned, hating to see his older sister like this. He looked around the room, trying to think of how to change the subject, get her mind off it. 

He caught glimpse of her newest art piece, one of the crew on the ceiling right above her bunk.

"Hey, that one looks really good."

She opened her eyes, glancing up at her art. She knew what he was doing, and was grateful for it. He turned to face her, grabbing her hand for support. She let him, which wasn't something that she would usually do. 

"It only took two weeks..." she muttered, sniffling. 

"Ah," he forced a smile, "so that's why you've been in your room more than usual."

She nodded, wiping her eyes, "The only art I've done of the crew is the one in yours and Zeb's room."

He kept forcing a smile, but could sense a another wave of thunder coming. And when it did, Sabine moved her hand away, which is when Ezra noticed she was shaking more than before. He reached out for her, 

"Sabine. Sabine, look at me," she didn't look at him, "Sabine. Hey, it's okay."

"No!" she yelled, covering her ears. He knew this wasn't from his words, this wasn't the first storm where he had been on the Ghost. 

He grabbed her hand, gently forcing her to hold onto him.  

"Sabine. Look at me."

She kept her eyes closed, squeezing his hand tightly as the thunder seemed louder. 

"No... no no no. No!" she yelled, her body trembling. 

"Sabine!" Ezra spoke louder, as he moved besides her. He pulled her into a hug, letting him cry onto her as he continued, "you aren't there. You're okay. You're on Lothal. You're on the Ghost."

She took a deep breath, parting from the hug after a few moments, but she kept holding onto his hand and keeping her eyes closed, 

"I'm not there.I'm okay.  I'm on Lothal. I'm on the Ghost." she repeated. He nodded, 

"It's alright. You're safe."

She looked to him, hearing the thunder dying down a little outside. She nodded, taking a shaky breath. He pulled her into another hug, holding her close. He kept whispering those words into her ear, until the storm had finally passed.

Star Wars Rebels One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon