Right Behind You Part 1

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Please check out my latest thing on my profile, in the conversations section I think. Updating once a day isn't really working. Gonna try and make a schedule.

Also I might put the updated version of my actual book up on wattpad, anyone interested?

Enjoy! Alternate version to Jedi Night! This is actually based on what I thought would happen when the mid season 4 trailer came out! If you go back to my "Sabine Sees Ezra" one shot it is kinda my prediction story for the end of the series! I am rewriting the Sabine Sees Ezra one after these parts. ☺️
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"You alright?" Kanan wrapped his arm around Hera, helping her keep her balance. She nodded,

"I'm okay..." she smiled her best, "really."

"Good," he pulled her into a quick embrace, holding her close, "I'm so sorry I took so long."

"You came. That's enough."

He smiled, guiding her out of the cell she was put in. Kanan kept a firm grip on his lightsaber, and making sure Hera was always within his reach.

"Where are the kids?" She whispered. He turned to her face her,

"Not here..."

"Are they alright?" She frowned, "they're safe?"

Kanan stopped in his tracks, looking down, "I don't know."

Hera's eyes widened, "What?!"

"Keep your voice down."

"Kanan, where are they?" She grabbed his hand as he started walking forwards.

"Sabine and Zeb are fine. They're trying to find us a ship."

Hera took a deep breath, holding back tears, "Ezra... where is he?"

Kanan gripped his saber tighter, "Come on."

She followed him, "Kanan. Where is Ezra?"

He didn't respond, sneaking down the halls of the Dome. He looked back to her after a moment, "There," He pointed to a door ahead, "go ahead of me."

"Kanan, I don't have a weapon-"

"Now you do." He forced his blaster into her hands, "Go."

Hera nodded, running ahead to the door and going inside, Kanan coming to her after a few seconds.

What seemed like a million years ago, Kanan and Ezra were in a similar place. The different levels, leading down to the generators. One wrong step and you fell to your death. Just like the Grand Inquisitor.

Now, Hera moved ahead of Kanan, as he seemed to fall behind. She turned back to him, seeing he had stopped a few feet away.

"Kanan?" She called out.

He was looking down as he spoke, "I don't know where he is."

She frowned, "What happened?"

"We all went looking for you and Chopper. I told them to go back to base... I wanted to go alone. They didn't listen."

"He wasn't with the others when they got back?"


Hera frowned, holding her arms to her chest. She prayed for Ezra and his safety. She prayed for him to find his way home, wherever he was.

"Hera! Kanan!" Someone yelled. Both of them looked up to the next level,  a smile on Hera's face as Sabine and Zeb stood waving at them from above.

Hera smiled wide, as Zeb responded, "Glad to see ya in one piece!"

She chuckled, looking to Kanan. He wasn't smiling, he seemed distraught. Hera took a step towards him, as a blaster fired from somewhere.

Kanan ignited his saber, unable to sense where it came from. He put one arm in front of Hera, prepared to defend her at any cost.

Zeb and Sabine pulled out their weapons, aiming at the figure at the door, but they held their fire.

"Thrawn will allow you two to live!" The assassin, Rukh, pointed his spear at the lasat and the Mando, "Just leave now."

Sabine looked to Zeb, keeping her blaster pointed, "We aren't leaving them."

"I trust Kanan an' Hera," he muttered, "and the  kid's still out there."


"Find him, 'Bine."


"Sabine go!" He kept his voice to a whisper, "us lasat never know when to give up."

She nodded, looking to Kanan and Hera for what might be the last time.

"I'll see you back at base."

"You will."

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Rukh chuckled, "You're stupid, lasat!" He ignited his staff, "you're friend may live another day, but you've sealed your fate."

"No. But I'll make sure you won't live another day!"

Hera looked to Kanan, "Kanan. We need to go."

"There's no leaving now Syndulla."

Hera gulped, watching the assassin get into a battle stance.

"They've got a chance," Kanan glances to Hera and Zeb, looking to Hera, "I'm right behind you."

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