Christmas Eve

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Hello readers! Just a little disclaimer before I start:

I celebrate Christmas, and as much as I would love to write about other holidays for any readers that celebrate something else, I don't know much about them.

That's why I don't usually do holiday stuff. But I need sometbing to start me off I guess, since Astrisia wants bo-Fenn soon and I haven't been writing much 😅(also please send bo-Fenn ideas)

This is a modern AU, the kids are all adopted(minus Jacen) and Ky is here. I've never written a modern with her so let's see how this goes.


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"No," Kanan shot her a glare as the green haired woman entered the kitchen, "back up."

"I won't do anything," she chuckled, continuing to walk towards Kanan as he cut up some vegetables, "it's not like when I touch you cooking it bursts into flames."

He shook his head, smirking, "I wouldn't put it past you."

She playfully slapped him on the arm, as he laughed, kissing her quickly before going back to making dinner.

"I can be helpful," she rolled her eyes, "watch me."

"Hera," he put the knife down and turned back to her, "I'd rather not have you burn dinner, or yourself."

"I can set the table then," she opened the cabinets and pulled out some plates, "can't burn anything when I do that."

"Set it slow, you've got," he turned to the stove, looking at the timer, "two hours."

Hera sighed, leaning against the counter, "You know I don't like sitting around."

"I know," he threw the vegetables in the pot, "it's the last Christmas with everyone around. I want to make it special."

"Sabine and Ezra will come back for the holidays love."

"Still," he smiled, "I just think it'd be nice."

"It's a nice idea," she kissed his cheek, "and I'll stay away so dinner won't explode."

"Thanks," he kissed her again, "I love you."

"I love you more."

- - -

"I brought beer!" The front door opened, as Zeb smiled and held up a six pack of beer. Hera smiled, sipping her wine as Kanan chuckled,

"Just what we needed."

"This ain't for cooking," Zeb shut the door, "it's for drinking."

"Yeah, but beer goes go great in-"

Zeb rolled his eyes, putting the beer on the counter, "No," he shot his brother a playful glare, "c'mon, even Hera knows what I'm talking about."

"It's good to see you Zeb." Hera smiled softly, putting her wine down and giving the tall man a hug. He hugged her back,

"Good to see ya too Hera," he laughed, looking to Kanan, "oh and you too."

Kanan put out a platter of cheese and crackers, patting his brother on the shoulder,

"So," he began, "what have you been up to since Thanksgiving?"

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