Battle Of Jakku

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Quick AN: Kanan is alive in this version, because I need it for the plot. Also, the timing is messed up, it takes place 5 years after Endor. (IDK when it actually is) and ages and stuff might be kind of weird. Anyways, enjoy- and there's Ky because I love her. One more thing- Kanan becoming Ky's father as it happened in another one shot is non canon for her storyline. 

"Ky?" Jacen calls out, walking into the bedroom. She looks over to him, from where she was fixing up Chopper.

"They're at it again?" Ky asks, sighing. Jacen nods, as he sits on the bed nearby.  She sits besides him, "what's it about this time?"

"I don't really know," the ten year old looks down, "something about... Jakku? Who is that?" She places her hand on his shoulder, 

"Jakku is a planet," she answers, "from what I know, people are thinking that's where the next battle will be. Because of how many Imperials are there..."

"Is that what you think?"

"Yeah, it is," she looks at Chopper who's powered off, "they're arguing about whether we should fight or not?" 

He nods, wiping his eyes. She pulls him into a hug, letting him cry onto her for a moment. Then, she pulls away, wiping his tears off his face. 

"Why do they have to fight? Can't they just agree with each other?" 

"I wish they could, but they both want to do what's right."

"What is right?" Jacen asks, sniffling a little. 

"Jacen, you're a little too young to talk about that." She tells him. 

"I'm ten years old!" he argues. 

"Mom didn't let me know about any of that stuff until I was maybe fourteen," Ky reminds him, "she's doing what's best for all of us."

"She wants to fight..." he mutters. 

"I figured it would be that way, they've argued about this before," she explains, "one time long  before you were born, another when you were born, and the last time they did was before Endor."

"And we fought every time." 

"Yeah, we did." She sighs, "I think we should let them be, alright bud?"


One Month Later

"Stay here!" Hera commands, as she places her hands on each of her daughter's shoulders, "you do not leave his side, and you stay on the Ghost. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am." Ky responds, grabbing onto Jacen's shoulder. Kanan looks at her, nodding for reassurance. 

"Momma!" Jacen cried, as she ran off with Kanan. He tried to follow her, but Ky kept her grip on him. He cried out. 

"Come on," she commanded him, but he stayed put, "Jacen now!" 

"What about Mom?!" He cries.

"She'll be fine!" Ky yells, as she closes the ramp. 

Jacen looks around, "Ky, I'm scared."

She looks over to him, "Don't be, just stay in the bedroom for a little bit."

He nods and runs off, as Ky heads up to the cockpit. She turns on a few transmitters, having Chopper pull on up as well. She starts giving commands, "Chopper, contact Sabine and let he know what's going on!" 

He beeps a yes in response, while Ky contacts Zeb and Kallus. Kallus is the one to answer, while Chopper still works on getting into contact with Sabine. 

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