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Set after the finale, but Kanan lived(and regained his sight) and Ezra is still with the crew. And Kanan has his long hair because the short hair wasn't working for him. 

Oh ya, one more thing. I am throwing in my OC, Ky, in here. She is the adoptive human daughter of Hera, and has no memory of her life before Hera. She need knew her name and is named Ky by Hera herself. Enjoy!

Hera placed her hand on her stomach, as she looked out to the horizon. She leaned against the rocks that sat behind her, sighing. Everything hurt. 

Her head was spinning around, she didn't know if it was from stress, or just an average migraine.

Her legs were sore from all of the running. 

The rest of her, it was just from being interrogated for so long. She never really got a break since they returned back to base from rescuing her, since they had to save the temple and get the Empire for of Lothal. 

Now, she was safe and sound with her crew. They all made it. Barely. She had asked for a little bit of time to herself, just to relax and gather her thoughts. Figure out how to explain everything to Kanan. 

"Hey." Sabine greeted, as she walked over to the woman with some caff in her hands. She handed on to Hera and sat besides her. 

"Hey." Hera replied, taking a small sip. It made her stomach upset, and she moaned, placing her hand back where it was. 

"You okay?" Sabine asked, concerned. Hera looked back up, and nodded. 

"Just tired. A little weak from everything." Hera answered. 

"You sure?" Sabine questioned. 

"I guess," Hera replied. "I don't know."

"You can talk to me. I know how rough the past couple weeks have been. For everyone, but especially you." Sabine stated. Hera moved her hand off her stomach and placed it on the girl's shoulder. 

"I know I can always talk to you Sabine." Hera remarked, "but this is something...personal. Maybe later?"

"Hera, is everything okay?" Sabine questioned, more concerned now. Hera looked at the person she learned to call her daughter. Hera sighed and avoided eye contact, thinking about how to tell Sabine. 

"I'm pregnant." she blurted out. Sabine's eyes widened, and Hera just looked down, ashamed. 

"Hera?!?" Sabine exclaimed. "When did you? How did-" 

"Sabine, mind keeping it down? I haven't told anyone else yet." Hera whispered. The girl nodded and continued asking questions. 

"Kanan doesn't know! Is it even his?"

"Sabine, it is Kanan's. I don't feel like explaining when and how. You should understand how, your an adult." Hera joked. 

"Sorry, I was just surprised. I blurt out random things when that happens." the girl apologized. "How far in are you?"

"I'm guessing this is how you figure out when."

"Yes." Sabine simply stated. "Now, answer."

"I don't know, a couple weeks." she answered. Sabine nodded and then sighed,

"Why haven't you told Kanan?"

"Sabine, I found out after I went back to base! I came back here and was captured. I haven't gotten the chance yet!" Hera replied. 

"Okay, okay. When are you gonna tell him?" 

"I don't know, today? Tomorrow?" Hera responded, sipping more caff. Sabine could tell the woman was exhausted. 

"You should get some rest." Sabien suggested.

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine, Hera! You're pregnant!" she yelled. Kanan stood behind the girl, surprised. He stared at his lover and the girl he thought of as a daughter. 

"You're what?" he asked. Hera looked away, as tears formed in her eyes. Sabine looked at her motherly figure, and placed her head in her hands. 

"Sabine, do you mind giving Kanan and I a moment to talk? I'll come find you later, okay?" she asked. Sabine nodded and Hera placed a hand on her shoulder, muttering, "It's not your fault. I'm not mad."

"Okay." she whispered in reply as she walked off. Hera sat back down and Kanan sat besides her, looking her straight in the eyes with confusion and sadness. And a lot of worry. 

"I'm fine, love." she told him, immediately reading the expressions on his face.

"Hera, are you sure?!?" he quietly exclaimed. "You were pregnant, all this time?"


"Even while you were captured?!?"


"Hera, I have to ask..." he started. "Who's the father?"

"You are, love." 

"Good." he replied, chuckling. He wrapped his arm around her, "Have you told Ky yet?"

"No." Hera stated, sighing, "I'm honestly too scared to tell her."


"She's adopted Kanan! I don't know if she'll take it good. She might feel jealous, or alone, or-"

"Calm down." Kanan cooed her. "Everything's gonna be fine."

"You sure?"



"Mom?" Ky called out, looking around the unfamiliar base for her mother. 

"Over here, love!" Hera replied from where she was sitting with Kanan. Ky walked over to her mother and Kanan, smiling as she arrived at her destination. 

"Hey mom." she greeted.

"Hey, everything okay?" Hera responded.

"Yeah, just wondering where you were." Ky told her. She nodded and patted the spot next to her, 

"Come on, sit down."

Ky sat in-between her mother and Kanan. 

"Everything okay?" she asked her mom and Kanan. 

"Yeah, we just have some news. And something to ask you."

"Okay..." Ky responded, suspicious. 

"Do you want me to ask my question first, or give you the news first?" she asked. 

"I don't know, the news I guess." she answered.

"I'm pregnant."

Ky just stared at her mother, perplexed.

"What does that mean?" she asked, as Hera received a glare form Kanan. 

"It means I'm gonna have a baby." she answered, smiling at her daughter. 

"Oh..." Ky responded, sadly. "What'd you want to ask me then?" Hera frowned at her daughter's response to the baby, but sighed. 

"I know I'm your mother and all, but you don't have a father." she started. Ky perked up, knowing exactly what her mother was saying. She stared at Kanan and waiting for her mom to finish. "We were wondering if you'd be okay with Kanan being your father?"

"Yes!" Ky yelled, as she was embraced by her parents.

"That's my girl." Kanan muttered.

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