Outside the Fuel Depot

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I miss my girl!

Jedi Knight "alternative" kinda. More like a different POV during the episode.

This is part 69 (nice) including my drafts. ((I thought that info was important so there you go))

So here's Ky! I've missed her so much! Tomorrow's one shot should be either Sabezra or Sabine and Jacen. (Maybe)


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With the amount of smoke in the sky, it was hard to see the spotlights from Imperial gunships. They were looking for Rebels. They found some. They found her.

"Ky!" Mart made sure to keep his voice to a whisper, "Ky, stop!"

She barely looked at him, as she continued walking, "I have to look for her!"

"Kanan and the others went to get her!" Mart continued, "we need to get back to base!"

"They might be in trouble," she replied, "Sabine isn't answering her comm."

"Yeah, because she needs to keep her cover!" Mart grabbed her arm, "Go back!"

"Let go of me!"

"We need to go!"

"She needs my help!" Ky pushed him away, heading in the direction of the Dome. Mart followed her,

"You're gonna get yourself captured or worse!" Mary argued, trying to keep up with her.

"So what?"

"You want to do that to the others? To your mom? To Zeb?"

"They'd understand."

"What about me?" He grabbed her hand, holding it tightly. He stared at her, looking at her tear filled eyes, "You want to do that to me?"

Ky blinked a few times, holding back her tears, "I should've been there. For you guys."

"You were down here, fighting on the ground."

"There was no ground fight," she muttered, "they had it under control. I wasn't needed there."

"It would have been a lot worse if you weren't."

"It could have been a lot better if I was up there with you guys," she argued, "maybe she wouldn't have been captured. Maybe so many others wouldn't have died."


A few tears fell from her eyes. She looked at him as he held her hands tightly. He brushed his thumb over her hands, hoping it helped to calm her worries.

Ky stared at him, pulling him close and kissing him. She pressed her forehead against his after a moment, "I don't want to lose you too."

"I'm still here," he replied, "I made it. You're mom made it." He kissed her again, "we're gonna make it."

There was the sound of firing from ships in the distance. Ky looked to the source, "We should check it out." 

Mart pulled out his blaster, "Alright. But after we get back to the speeders."

"Deal." She smiled her best, but the smile was mostly forced. They ran to the source of the blasts, seeing the remains of a gunship on the ground. There were stormtroopers scattered around it, all dead. Ky looked to Mart, "looks like they made it out."

"And we should go too. Before they find out we're not at base."

Ky nodded, smiling at him for a moment. There was hope. Maybe even a chance Lothal would be free soon.

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