Into the Capital

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Part 2!

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"You were talking in your sleep," she pressed a kiss on his cheek, as Mart smiled softly at her as she wrapped her arms around his waist, "dreaming about something?"

"Yeah," he chuckled, "you."

"Aw," she smirked, "dreaming about that wedding you want so badly?"

"No," he rolled his eyes, "just you."

"Well, I'm right here for ya," she kissed his lips, "you ready for today?"

"Not really," he sighed, "but I have to be."

She nodded, sitting up from their bunk, throwing on her jacket,

"It's nice to not have to layer up every morning," she threw on her belt as she spoke, "wish our base wasn't an ice planet."

"Agreed," he got up, yawning as he got dressed, "that why you take so many missions, cause of the cold?"

"Maybe," she said sarcastically, then laughed a little bit, "you know me, I don't like sitting around."

"I know," he pressed another kiss on her cheek, "I'm just glad we get this mission together."

She nodded, grabbing her rifle, "I'll check the perimeter before we start."

"Yes ma'am."

- - -

"How we looking?" Jonner rose a brow, as Ky came back over to Sato's Hammer.

"All clear," she replied, "I don't think they realize we've landed."

"That's good to hear," Gooti responded, looking over the blaster she was holding, "I still think we should get some better weapons from the capital building."

"I agree with you," Ky replied, "but I trust Mart. This is his mission, and I'm going to follow him."

"You're the last person who would follow orders blindly," Jonner looked to her, "you know his plan is dangerous."

She sighed, "Yeah... you do have a point."

"We've tried talking him out of it," Gooti told her, "and he didn't listen. You need to, or it's gonna get someone killed."

"Alright," Ky replied, "fine."

- - -

"They don't trust me..."

"I'm assuming you know what this is about," Ky sat in the co pilots seat, watching him fidget with the controls, "and they do trust you. They're just worried."

Mart shook his head, "I know they think going to the capital building is a good idea. But it's not."

"Then tell me why."

"I can't!"


"Look it has stuff to do with my family, and I don't want to deal with that."

"Then why are we freeing your home?" She asked, "help me understand."

"I'm freeing my home because I cared about my dad. And my uncle Jun. And I cared for Gooti and Jonner's family. And all the friends we lost too."

"Then what 'stuff with your family' is causing you to risk their lives?"

"My mother."

"Your mother? You never talked about her before."

"That's the point, Ky." He looked to her, heartbreak in his eyes, "I hate her. More than anyone, I hate her."

Ky pauses for a moment, remembering how her own mother hated Cham. But things changed for them, maybe they would change for Mart too.

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