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Hehehehe. Only 2-3 more Mykapo parts. Then it moves on to Lasan, for... reasons. Question for you all; do you want a break from this storyline between Mykapo and Lasan or should I just keep going? (Or do you want to wait and see how you feel after these next few?)

This one is going to be long so here's some popcorn and toilet paper (one day we will get a tissue emoji) 🧻🧻🍿🍿

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Fire. Fire. Get out.

Get. Up.

She gasped for breath, coughing harshly and painfully, a few drops of either blood or saliva dripping down her chin. Or both. Could always be both.

She yelled in pain, trying to lift whatever was on top of her and get out. Bricks? Metal? Something like that. Whatever it was, it hurt. And it was hot. It burned. Was she on fire? She couldn't think. The smoke in her eyes made it hard to see. She couldn't tell what was on top of her.

Mart. Where was Mart? She couldn't see him. Was he okay? Was he alive?

"You!" Someone yelled through their teeth, a figure standing above her with her blaster pointed at Ky's head.

"I told you..." Ky coughed up more blood, "I had explosives set up..."

The words came out slowly, barely escaping her lips. But they did. And Iris grew more angry with each of them.

"You may have blown up our capital. And our senate offices. But I've still won," Iris continued, as Ky's vision cleared a little. There was blood running down the senator's forehead, her grey and brown braid was falling out of its place. Was she holding her side too? It looked like she'd been shot or something. Shoving her boot into Ky's side, she laughed, "you stupid child! You've lost!"

Ky couldn't catch her breath. She couldn't move. Everything hurt. She wanted to cry. To scream.

"Beat you." Ky smirked, putting her rifle into it's basic form, looking down at the knocked over human in front of her. Kallus got up, grabbing his own rifle, looking over to Zeb for a second before looking back to Ky.

"You need to forget all that imperial training," Zeb told him, "you might be able to knock out a couple'a stormtroopers like that. But if we end up getting into trouble with someone worse..."

"You're screwed." Ky finished for him, looking back to Zeb. He sighed, nodding,

"Yeah, pretty much," he chuckled, sitting back down on the crate nearby, "go again."

"He's easy," Ky rolled her eyes, "can't I go up against you?"

"This isn't your training, is it?" Zeb shot her a playful glare, "besides, I'm enjoying watching you knock him on his ass every five minutes."

She shrugged, "Trained by the best."

Ky reignited her rifle, Kallus doing the same. There was a brief pause, Ky glanced up to the balcony for half a second, noticing the twi'lek watching over them. She smiled softly, watching Ky as she was able to quickly knock Kallus to his feet. The former imperial got up quickly, charging at the girl, who simply dodged his attacks. Zeb had trained her well.

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