Survived, Again

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Astrisia is forcing me to write

TW: panic attacks and ptsd

So this is gonna be during OT, probably around empire strikes back, and has to do with Ky's PTSD from the attack on Lothal and stuff.

That's all I'll say.

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Blood ran down Ky's forehead, dripping down her cheek and off her chin as she forced the hatch open. The air was smoky and it was hard to breathe. But she had survived. Again.

"Commander!" Someone said, as a set of arms grabbed her and helped her down. She looked over, seeing Rex, nodding to him,

"I'm fine," she leaned against what was left of her ship, coughing a little, as a smile appeared on her face, "you don't have to call me Commander."

"Ky," he corrected himself, grabbing her shoulder gently, "let's get you cleaned up."

"I've had worse," she reminded him, looking back to the newly crashed ships, sighing, "only two others..."

"Unfortunately," Rex frowned, as she gently pushed him off, "Ky. You need to get to medical before you pass out."

"Just... check on the other pilots. My mom can clean me up..."

"Yes sir..."

- - -

"How's it feel?" Hera asked softly, as she put the bacta patch on Ky's stitched wound.


Hera noticed the emptiness in her daughters voice. She frowned, placing a hand on her shoulder,

"Ky," Hera sighed, "are you okay?"

"You stitched the wound up," Ky didn't look to her as she replied, "I'm just a little sore. I'll be fine."

"I'm not talking about that."

Ky quickly changed the subject, "How's Chopper?"

"Damage wasn't too bad," Hera replied, brushing some of Ky's hair behind her ear, "I'm getting worried about you, love."

"Being a Rebel is dangerous," Ky shrugged, "we knew that when we decided to come back, after Lothal..."


"I said I'm fine!"

Hera frowned, watching as Ky stood up and began to walk to the door.

"I understand, you feel guilty every time you lose someone on a mission."

"I don't want to talk about this..." Ky frowned, looking back to her, "General Organa wants the details on my mission..."

"She'll understand me holding you back for a bit."

"Mom, please..."

"You are not the only one who loses people, Ky," Hera gently grabbed her shoulders, "trust me I know what it's like."

"I know you do.." Ky's voice was shaky as she spoke, "I just... I don't like talking about these things."

"You need to," Hera frowned, "because one day it's going to get you killed."

"What's that supposed to mean..?"

"It happened to a few people I knew," Hera frowned, "they saw loved ones die, and they froze. All the emotions built up and they just stopped... and the next moment they were gone."

"I'm sorry."

"I can't let that happen to you," Hera stared into Ky's emerald eyes, "so please. Talk to me. Talk to someone."

Star Wars Rebels One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu