I'm Here Now

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Another Wren family related one because why not

Based right after Heroes of Mandalore

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"You're going back to your base?" Tristan asked, while Sabine finished repainting his armor. She nodded, putting the shoulder piece on the table,

"I'll be back..." she sighed, "I just... I don't want to leave them again."

"Does mother know?"

"I told father," the Mandalorian responded, brushing her hair out of her face, "where even are they?"

"In their room," he leaned back in his seat, "it's been a long day."


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Alrich smiled softly, sitting next to Ursa on the edge of their bed,

"I've missed you." He told her, kissing her cheek. She shot him somewhat of a glare, but a weak smile appeared on her face. He chuckled, kissing her on the lips this time.

She rested her forehead against his once they parted, "We're getting old." She chuckled. He nodded, holding her hands,

"You okay?" He asked her softly, noticing her discomfort.

"Her weapon," Ursa muttered, "she designed it well." The woman rolled her shoulder painfully, looking up to him.

"She's a smart kid," Alrich smiled a little, "well... not a kid anymore."

Ursa nodded, frowning, as Alrich gently placed his hand on her back. Even the gentle movement brought pain to her body, as she winced. Alrich sighed, gently grabbing her armor and taking it off.

"I can get it-"

"I know," he told her, "you take it easy. I can do it for you." She smiled softly, nodding as he took off her shoulder piece.

"Yours is in the storage container, the one in the common area," She explained, "I didn't want the Empire to take it."

"Smart." He took off her chest plate, as she sighed in relief.

"I still can't believe they did that," she looked into his eyes, causing him to pause in removing her armor, "coming into our house at the middle of the night. Taking you away..."

"I'm here now, that's what matters."

She nodded, as he took off her other shoulder and arm pieces.

"Thank you."

"Of course," he kissed her neck, wrapping his arms around her waist, "better?"

"Yes..." she smiled softly, even though every bone in her body ached.

"What else can I do?" He asked, seeing right through her smile.

"I can do it." she stood up, taking a moment to balance herself. He stood up quickly, grabbing her arms and sitting her back on the bed.

"We're safe now," Alrich told her, grabbing her hands, "you can rest."

She looked to him, "We let our guard down when the Empire formed. But then Sabine spoke out, and they took you away, and once again we were at war."

"And Lady Kryze is in power now," he reminded her, "the fight is over for us. Now what were you going to get?"

Ursa looked at him for a moment, then sighed in defeat, "There's bacta patches in my dresser."

He nodded, grabbing them and placing them on the spot next to him, "Where's it hurt?"

"I can do it myself." she reassured him.

"Prove it."

She shot him a glare, before moving her arms to take her top off, but the pain in her shoulder was too much for her to lift it. The Mandalorian looked to her husband, then sighed again,

"Alright fine."

He smirked, helping her take it off and then placed it on the bed behind her. He frowned, noticing how badly bruised her entire back, arm, and side were.

"Ursa..." he frowned, placing his hand on her other shoulder, where there weren't any bruises. She smiled at his gesture, reaching her good arm up to hold his hand.

"I've had worse," She replied, holding his hand a little tighter. She let out a shaky breath, her voice cracking a little bit, "losing you and Sabine, around the same time, that was so much worse."

He kissed her cheek, a long kiss, not just a simple peck, as he rubbed his hand over her good arm a few times, "I'm here now."

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I ship them soooo much omgggggg.

Also for anyone who cares about cosplay one of my next cosplays will be Ursa

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